Agenda - 02-23-1978
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 02-23-1978
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Last modified
7/9/2015 4:23:17 PM
Creation date
7/9/2015 4:22:48 PM
Meeting Type
Work Session
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--4w <br /> 2. size and population, and etc. to Orange County. The Commissioners asked <br /> 3. the Health Board to study the analysis of assessing fees further. <br /> 4. Chairman Mayes brought to the Health Board's attention a resolution <br /> 5. adopted by the �oard, of Commissioner regarding the N. C. Open Meetings Law <br /> 6 . The Resolution urged and encouraged all County appointed Board to comply <br /> 7. with the Open Meetings Law as done previously. <br /> 8. The second item discussed by the two Board was the relationship <br /> 9. of the County C mmissioner to the Board of Health and to the Health <br /> 10. Director, and how all interact with one another. <br /> 11. Dr. Mayes r eviewed a brief history of the County Health Department <br /> 12 . since its establ ishment of March, 1977 . In September, 1977 , .ferry Robinso <br /> 13. was named as County Health Director. Dr. Mayes pointed out that since Mr. <br /> 14. Robinson has be n. in this position the Northern Fairview sewage problem <br /> 15. has come to lig t. With the new septic tank .regulations adapted by the <br /> 16. State increased services are expected of the County sanitarians as develop <br /> 17 . ments continue. The Health Department is attempting to "beef up" services <br /> 18. in the health clinics. The Board felt it was wise to turn its home health <br /> 19. patients over to the Home Health Cooperation of Chapel Hill, since there <br /> 20. are other agencies which provide this service. This is on a five month <br /> 21. trial basis. The Health Board is also Looking into radiological services <br /> 22. which would pro ide better care for patients. Dr. Mayes stated that he <br /> 23. felt the Board had come along way, but still is anxious to go further. He <br /> 24. stated that it is important to establish open communication between the <br /> 25. Health Board, Health Director and the County Commissioners, and he hoped <br /> 26 . this would be an ongoing process . <br /> 27. Chairman Wh tted stated the Board of Commissioners attempted to meet <br /> 28. with County Boards and agencies once a year, other than at budget time . <br /> 29 . This is helpful in assessing where the Board stands and what direction it <br /> 30 . is going, and wh�t new issues need to be attacked. Mr. Whitted mentioned <br /> the establishment of Drimary hPa l i-h npn+�Arc in Heals-.h i"AnA r+-mAni-c Am 4-hcA <br />
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