Agenda - 02-06-1978
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 02-06-1978
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7/9/2015 4:12:11 PM
Creation date
7/9/2015 4:11:08 PM
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Page 3 of 3 ps.ges (Treepese by Southeastern `"Surveys ) <br /> This brings- soma uestlons to mind : <br /> o <br /> 1• Do you really lay think that becnuae we need to have flood control <br /> measures and to cdnaerve our drinking water supply , your contract <br /> with the Army giv s you the right to kick us peasants around by ignoring <br /> our rights as citizens? <br /> 2. Does your cont rset with the Army really not include enough money <br /> for you to contact the property owners and ask for permission to enter <br /> private property? <br /> 3. Did your estimate which you based your bid can for this surveying <br /> job really not include any cost provision to cover the expense of <br /> contacting the citizens to get their permission to enter private property? <br /> 4. a.Did you obtain this contract by sealed bid in competition with other <br /> Surveyors, or was it a negotiated bid? <br /> b.1f competitive ,, how many others bid on it ? <br /> c.Was it advertised openly or did you and the other bidders receive <br /> the specifications and invitation to bid direct ? <br /> 5. flow many dol.2. rs is y our contract <br /> fear? <br /> 6. In other word , how is it that you heve a contract calling for you <br /> to eater private property , and yet you say that there is no provision <br /> in either your eat mater or the contract for monies to cover the <br /> expense of getting permission to enter private property. If not , why not ? <br /> 7. Is it really necessary for you to send a four man crew around behind <br /> the first survey a ew to pick up the �eadinga of tt�,e first crew. <br /> 8. Is your contract by any chance "Cost FLUB "? <br /> 90 Is there any reason thrit your crew vehicles rare unmarked? I would <br /> think that you would have "Southes,=stern Surveys" In big letters on your <br /> trucks , with your address and telephone number, and perhaps a slogan. <br /> Z0. Admittedly , tiese are sirr-pl.e ri-inded questions frou a private citizen <br /> who Is not a surveyor, but %ho cannot understand why you operate from <br /> unmarked vehicles, and , as a texp!?yer, cennot understand why two multi-men <br /> crews have to enter the sane piece of private property to get one measure- <br /> ment . Can't the Old 'Texas adage epply : "One Riot one Texas Ranger"? <br /> gill, you explain tt is chatter to me? <br /> Yours truly . <br /> S. G. Barbour <br /> cc : Mr. Richard Wh tted, Chairman, Orange County Commissioners , <br /> Orange County ourthouse , Hillsborough, NO 27278 <br /> Mr. Ben Lloyd, President , Orange Fanners Association <br /> Rt l., Efland , North CProlina <br /> Graham & Cheeh re , Attorneys at Law <br /> 118 N. Churtor� 5t reet , Hillsborough, NO 27278 <br /> Colonel Johnst cane , Army Corps of Engineers <br /> 'Wilmington, N rth Carolina (via certified mail ) <br /> Editor, News of Orange, Churton Street , Hillsborough, NO 27278 <br /> Editor, Orange Alamance Enterprise , 109 N. Third St . , Mebane , NO 27302 <br />
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