Orange County NC Website
Page 4 <br /> cost and xpense improve the cleared areas between the existing <br /> improved parking. areas and Merritt Mall Road, and unimproved areas <br /> to the north thereof on the property owned by the Board of Educati.c <br /> for addi t f onal parking. <br /> 8. Insurance. It is understood and agreed that each party hereto <br /> shall car y such insurance as it deems appropriate to protect its <br /> own in the premises. <br /> 9. Indeumity. It is understood and agreed by and between the <br /> Parties h reto that the Town shall indemnify and hold harmless the <br /> Board of Education from-a11 claims , demands, actions or causes of <br /> action, w ich may arise by reason of the use qty-the;:Town ..of Chapel <br /> Hill of t e leased premises or any portion thereof . <br /> 10. Use by Others. It is understood and agreed by and between t <br /> parties h reto that the Town of Chapel. Hill shall to the extent <br /> practical permit use of the premises by other public bodies when n <br /> in confl.i t with the program of the Town. of Chapel. Hill. Any sue <br /> use, however, shall be subject to the payment of such fees as may <br /> be appropriate for defraying the costs of such use. <br /> 11. DamaS2 or Destruction. In the event the leased premises or <br /> any portion thereof shall be damaged by fire or other casualties s <br /> as to ren er the same totally unusable, and the Board of E =-&ion elects n+ <br /> to rebuill said premises, then and in that event this Lease shall <br /> terminate and Town shall have no further right under this agreemen <br /> 12. Default.. In the ev mt the Town shall default in the payment <br /> of rental as herein specified or in the performance of any other <br /> covenant rovided for herein, and fails to remedy said default wit <br /> a reasona le time after notice thereof by the Board of Education, <br />