Orange County NC Website
AGENDA ATTACHMENT I I I '`" `'�� <br /> MODIFICATION OF PROPOSED FLOOD STUDY <br /> In 1975 Orange County residents became eligible to acquire flood <br /> insurance if the County executed an application for this type coverage <br /> under the Fe eral Flood Insurance Program. In 1976 an application for <br /> this insurance in Orange County was approved on a temporary basis pending <br /> a flood plail study in Orange County by the U. S. Corps of Engineers. In <br /> September of that .year at a joint meeting with officers of the Corps of <br /> Engineers streams that contributed to flood problems were identified and <br /> marked forstudy at the appropriate time. Since that date the Corps has <br /> modified its guide lines relating to identification of streams to be <br /> studied by terminating study of each stream at the point where its up- <br /> stream water hed becomes less than one square mile. The rational for <br /> this decision is, watersheds of this size do not contribute significantly <br /> to downstream flooding. The Corps would like to modify the area of study <br /> in Orange Co my to reflect their current policy. Maps showing the proposed <br /> modification have been filed in the County Planning Department_ <br /> As these modifications are not major and do not affect the availability <br /> of flood plain insurance in Orange County, the Manager recommends the <br /> Commissione agree to the Corps" proposal . <br /> The possible adverse affect concurrence might have is, any flood plain <br /> map developed by the Corps might not be as extensive as the one presently <br /> envisioned. <br />