Orange County NC Website
MEMORANDUM <br /> TO; Membe s of the Orange County Board of Commissioners <br /> FROM Agath Johnson, Clerk <br /> RE: Minut s of October 18, 1977 <br /> DATE: Octob r 31, 1977 <br /> I have listened to the tape of the October IG, 1977 meeting. <br /> At one point in the discussion Commissioner Willhoit <br /> Prosed that <br /> the recommendation of the Planning Board regarding the extraterritorial <br /> jurisdiction request be directed back to the Planning to consider the <br /> possiblity of asing natural geographical boundaries as a way of defin- <br /> ing the lines instead of a one mile boundary line. <br /> Commis Toner Gustaveson later stated that he felt it would be <br /> useful to inform the Planning Board of negotiations with Chapel Hill. <br /> He added that e (the Planning staff) should sit down and negotiate <br /> a x�sonable bo ndary which suits Chapel Hill's needs in regard to <br /> their particul r me attempt roblems and at the same ti t to <br /> P P protect cer- <br /> tain areas in he County which should be protected. The Planning staff <br /> should look at Chapel Hill's maps in establishing the boundary line <br /> The Planning D rector is to talk with Chapel Hill about fixture planning <br /> for the extrat rritorial jurisdiction area, and the Town's plans for <br /> mobile homes. Look at the possibility of adopting some of the Town's <br /> Policies regarding the transistion areas . Consideration should be <br /> given to the C unty's Land Classification system as it corresponds to <br /> these areas. <br /> Mr. Gu taveson stated that he felt anoth&�t :pubi, c hearing` Was <br /> not necessary, but that Chapel Hill should call a publ.$-c hearing should <br /> their Zoning Ordinance change. <br /> The County Attorney stated that he did not feel th-e County was <br /> required to call a public hearing in the first .place, It is a good ide.a, <br /> but not necessary, <br /> Chairman Wh.itted stated that after the i,nfOrmation requested <br /> is developed, t e Board could go back to a public bearing, <br /> Mr. Gus aveson stated again that he felt a public hearing is not <br /> necessary. <br /> Mr. Walker stated that the Board had a public hearing on one <br /> thing, but is acting on another thing, <br /> Chairma Whitted stated that we should get the i.nfoMation and <br /> at that time sh re it with the Planning Board, "We are not asking fox <br /> another xecomme dation at this point. ' We will then hear from Jeff and <br /> determine at th t point where we 90 -- to a public hearing or whatever, <br />