Orange County NC Website
Governor James B. "lb_mt <br /> Page 3 <br /> October 27 , 1 77 <br /> choice lay between Alternate 4 and Alternate 1-B was not recorded. <br /> The reasons w y the engineers recor.wended 1-•B were not recorded. <br /> The reason wh Member Jonas abstained was not recorded. None of <br /> the few comme is made by the Board members were recorded. The <br /> engineer' s co ent concerning the 1-85 interchange was not recorded. <br /> There was essentially no "discussion" -uhatever and yet the so--called <br /> "minutes" imply there was "discussion" in a true sense. <br /> The highway a gi.neers , among other representations, represented to <br /> the Board of I ransportation at the September 9 meeting that <br /> building of 1ternate 1-�B would eliminate the need to upgrade <br /> Route 86 be een Chapel Hill and 1--85 and would eliminate having to <br /> upgrade Route 54 between Chapel. Hill and the Research Triangle Park <br /> and represented that Alternate I-B was intended to connect I-85 <br /> and the Research Triangle Park as a local traffic corridor. Such <br /> representatio s by the .engineers, with no opportunity on the part of <br /> the public to refute such representations, represents a further <br /> reason as to why Officials and citizens of Orange County should be <br /> allowed to address the Board directly. If Route 86 and Route '54 <br /> are effectively to be abandoned, there is still a further apparent <br /> violation of law. I point out that the Board is not authorized to <br /> abandon an existing part of the highway system and construct an <br /> entirely new road in its place (see Town of Newton vs . State <br /> Highway Commission. 194 NC1.59 , 138 S.E. 601 (1927) . ) <br /> With further regard to the legislative intent that the Board shall <br /> hear citizens in highway disputes , note the following st=atement in <br /> N.C.G.S. 136-- 7 concerning how objections regarding proposed high- <br /> way routings are required to be handled by the Board: "If anv <br /> objections are made- by the board of county commissioners or county <br /> road--governing body of any county or street-governing body or the <br /> city or town, the whole matter shall be heard and determined by <br /> the Board of Transportation in session, . . ." . The proposed I-B <br /> 1-40 route has been clearly identified by the Department of <br /> Transportation as being intended to serve local, county traffic <br /> needs as well as State -traffic needs and I point 'out that the <br /> Orange Count Commissioners , the Chapel. Hill Town Board, and the <br /> Carrboro Town Board have long been on record as apposing routing <br /> of 1•-40 through Orange County. How can this law be so flagrantly <br /> ignored, both as to its letter and intent? <br /> Because of the apparent lack of sensitivity of the Governor' s Office <br /> to Ehe 1-40 issue, I also point out and reamed you that the Board <br /> has awesome powers and awesome and its membership <br /> should surely reflect some degree of competence and responsibility <br /> over a broad range of environmental concerns . It would also seem <br /> desirable that, at least, one member of the Board be selected <br /> specifically because of competence in representing the low income <br /> segment of our population who so often are the most drastically <br />