Orange County NC Website
i <br /> McDOWIELL COUNTY <br /> P.O.. BOX 1350• MARION.NORTH CAROLINA 28752 • PHONE(704) 652-7121 <br /> August 30, 1977 <br /> :Board of County Commissioners <br /> Orange County <br /> Gentlemen: <br /> This is in regard to the resolution, pertaining to HB 658, i.n-troduced to the annual <br /> conference of the .0 ul <br /> Association of County Comissioners in Charlotte by Commissioner <br /> 'Macon Johnson of Camden Colanty. The officers and directors of the association, sitting <br /> as a resolution coz1mittee voted 18 to 1 against adopting the resolution. In subsequent <br /> floor actions the 5 certified conference delegates voted 35 for the resolution, 28 <br /> opposed, and 22 abs wing. <br /> A copy of said reso ution is enclosed herewith. As a member of the committee i strongly <br /> opposed the resolution as other members did, primatily because we felt that the <br /> should have no part in telling our legislators that they had made a mistake. Certainly, <br /> at this tune, no one has any way of knowing whether or not the General Assembly has made <br /> a mistake. <br /> BB 658 does have a sunset provision -- that the legislature will watch closely to see <br /> how the law works, and that the legislature does not have to gait three years for the <br /> sunset provision if it feels changes are necessary before then. if we are to involve <br /> ourselves at all, i should be after some evidence that the law is not working or is <br /> harmful 'to the publ'c. <br /> T respectfully urge your board to vote agadmat the resolution in order that a good <br /> relationship may be maintained with the General Assembly._ <br /> Sincerely, <br /> - �� e '. <br /> `- F Rich dsan <br /> PR/dh <br /> BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONER ; Paul Richardson,Chairman/Guy L Hensley,Vice Chairman!George Ellis.M D ;Mrs Jane Greenlee!Hawley 1N.Hicks <br /> COUNTY ATTORNEY: Robert C Hunter—(704)652-2844 <br /> COUNTY MANAGER: 1 ack H Harmon <br /> COUNTY ACCOUN'CAN i: )udy A Wright <br />