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for vaguenes , or because contrary to law, may be reasonably <br /> construed to provide that all of the receipts of the Town for <br /> its water and sewer treatment services must be paid to the <br /> County to th extent of $400,000 plus accrued interest; or in <br /> the alternative, said agreement may be read to provide that the- <br /> Town shall pay such of its annual receipts for water and sewer <br /> treatment services to the County as may be required by the County <br /> to retire t e $400,000 bond issue. The construction placed upon <br /> said agreem nt by the petitioner is unreasonable and inequitable. <br /> SIXTH DEFENSE <br /> The -County has realized and is realizing income from <br /> ad valorem taxes on the industrial park served by the water and <br /> sewer system referred to in the petition. The benefit of said <br /> industrial ark to the Town, if any is the indirect advantage <br /> of employment of some of the Town's citizens and the right to <br /> provide water and sanitary sewer service for compensation. If <br /> the Town ca be ordered to pay any additional sums to the <br /> County on a gaantum mer'uit basis , it is respectfully contended <br /> that the benefits of the water and sewer system referred to in <br /> the petition have accrued to both the County and the Town, and <br /> that the co 3t of said facilities should be borne by both <br /> parties, ani not solely by the Town. <br /> EREFORE, respondent prays that this action be <br /> dismissed a d that the costs be taxed against thepetitioner, <br /> and for such other relief as may be just and right. <br /> T' is the day of _ , 19 77. <br /> Louis C. Allen, Jr. <br /> Attorney for Respondent <br />