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PESOLUTION AND ADDENO{UM /W <br /> �S I <br /> Adopted by the Board of Directors , Orange County Council on Aging , Inc, <br /> April 10, 1980 <br /> 14HEREAS, Orange County may establish programs and services to older <br /> residents pursuant to Article 5 , Chapter 153A-76 of the North <br /> Carolina General Statutes; and <br /> WHEREAS, the County population is becoming older as a result of <br /> lower birth rates , increased life span and older persons moving <br /> into the County in retirement, and <br /> WHEREAS, the special needs of the elderly require a comprehensive, <br /> integrated approach to the delivery of services in the fields of <br /> health, mental health, social service, recreation, employment and <br /> other programs under Federal , State and local auspices, both tax <br /> supported and voluntary, and <br /> WHEREAS, County government involvement gives permanence and con- <br /> tinuity to services for older persons and stimulates public aware- <br /> ness of conditions and needs of its elderly population, and <br /> WHEREAS, elected officials and other funding agencies need assis- <br /> tance in making appropriate financial and policy decisions about <br /> necessary services to older persons , now, therefore be it <br /> RESOLVED, that the Board of Directors of Orange County Council on <br /> Aging, Inc. , request the Orange County Board of Commissioners to: <br /> 1 . Establish a "Department on Aging" as an agency of <br /> County government to take over the operation of services and pro- <br /> grams now provided by Orange County Council on Aging, Inc. , and <br /> 2. Create a "Senior Citizens Board" to develop and <br /> recommend policy and to serve in an advisory capacity to the County <br /> Department on Aging and the Board of County Commissioners, and <br /> BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that in the event the County Commissioners <br /> act favorably on this request, in manner and form acceptable to <br /> the Board of Directors of Orange County Council on Aging, Inc. , <br /> then said Board of Directors will take appropriate action to <br /> dissolve Orange County Council on Aging, Inc. , and turn over its <br /> assets to Orango COU?I „v . <br />