Orange County NC Website
i' <br /> } <br /> NORTH CAROLINA 4 5� I <br /> RESOLfa'z-ON i <br /> ORANGE COUNTY <br /> WHEREAS pursuant to N.C. Gen, Stat. §69--2j.1 o <br /> petition has been submitted to the Board of County c.omli_ssioners <br /> of Orange County for the establishment of the SOUTTUi'RN T,?TANGLE <br /> I <br /> FIRE DISTRICT and for the calling of an election in the .;aid <br /> I <br /> District for the purpose of submitting to the qualified voters � <br /> therein the question of .levying and collecting a spacial <br /> tax on all taxable property in said District, of not exceeding <br /> fifteen cents ($.15) on each one hundred dollars ($100-00) val..- <br /> cation of property for the purpose of providing tiro protection <br /> in said Distract: and <br /> WHEREAS as required by N.C. Gen. Stat. 967-•25, :3 , the <br /> said petition for the SOUTHERN TRIANGLB FIRE DISTRICT :ian been <br /> signed by fifteen percent (15%) of the resident freeholdnzs <br /> living in the said District; and <br /> WHEREAS the Board of County Commissioners has con- <br /> stilted with the Orange County Board of Elections with respect to <br /> -- a date for the election aforementioned; <br /> IT IS THEREFORE RESOLVED as follows: <br /> 1. The Orange County Board of Elections i.s =rr.pect- <br /> fully directed to hold and conduct an election in c:Le anUTIE RN <br /> TRIANGLE FIRE DISTRICT for the purpose of determining those <br /> in favor and those against levying a tax in said Di.:~trirt for <br /> fire protection therein. Said election shall he held porsuant <br /> to the relevant provisions of N.C. Gen. Stat. §69--25.1 ol: seq <br /> and N.C. Gen. Stat_ 5163-1 et seq. <br /> 2. The date and time for the election se" oui above s.czll <br /> be on the earliest date Possible pursuant to the North Carolina <br /> General Statutes. <br /> 3. The Orange Countv Board of Elections shall cause <br /> a notice to be published in the Chapel Hill Newspap:�r %i.thin the <br /> time r, ,Iuired .)y the North Carolina General Statutes, <br /> ..JLrhlAN. BLRNHOLZ advertising the said election as provided by law and advortisin, [ <br /> & DiCKEFSQN <br /> ',TTORNEYS AT LAW the fact that all !)nrer:istored voters in the said Distriit mu t <br /> CHAPEL HI[L.N C <br /> ;ILLS6OR4UL':H,K. C I{ <br /> (� register within the time permitted by law in order f:o he eligible <br /> to vote in the said elections., <br />