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Western Ridge, Subdivison <br /> Preliminary Ilan <br /> Page 2 <br /> Dr. Irving: My question relates to the same thing. The branch runs through -�ne of the smallest of lots, 1.25 acres. If there is going to be <br /> 50 foot easement, and if the understanding is that the drainage <br /> Dines from the septic tank wou-1d not enter that 50 foot easement, then. <br /> I wonder if it is going to be possible to locate a house in that <br /> 11.25 acre lot. <br /> Mr.. Kirk: The drainage easements specified would just apply to structures. <br /> Mr. Efland: Tony Laws (County Health Department) has indicated they don't <br /> �l.low septic tank within 50 feet of theis type of stream. <br /> Dr. Irviing: That's a rather steep slope. It seems a rather good chance that <br /> nin off would eventually get into stream. That seems awfully close <br /> frr the drop-off as steep as it is. <br /> Mr. Efland: This is a preliminary, so if that problem arises it would be corrected <br /> before we approve the final. <br /> Dr. Irving: T am just pointing out that that ought to be taken into accounty, <br /> otherwise we will have to struggle with it later. <br /> Mr. Polatty: We had recommended minimmun lot size of 2.5 acres in the Sketch <br /> Plan stage , but we dropped this for preliminary, because in staff <br /> discussion we felt the Water Resources Task Force had not progressed <br /> far enough. for us to feel comfortable with that recommendation for <br /> 1bt size. There probably shoud be some kind of minimum. <br /> Dr. Irving: think 1.25 lot should be made Larger. It should be one of largest. <br /> It also should be greater distance than 25 feet from septic tank Lines. <br /> Mr. Ballent We could make that lot larger. The 174 acre lot has about a <br /> or 15% grade. There is room to construct a house and septic <br /> t�nk and field. The scale may be misleading. We could draw the lot <br /> A a larger scale showing the placement of the house and septic <br /> f ield, and drainage easement. And if lot needed to be larger we would <br /> that. Moving lot line to .left doe's not help. House has got to go <br /> in upper left hand corner of that lot. The stream is an i.ntermittant <br /> stream. <br /> Norman. Block: We did actually go on property with John. Grey .from the Health <br /> T partmnt. Our initial plan called for 4 lots more than what <br /> u see tonight. The stream does not have water all the time. <br /> Mr. Efland: S1.nce the septic tank drain field must follow contour lines--the <br /> drain field for the 1.25 acre lot would occupy the longest dimension <br /> of lot. You have Health Department approval for 7 areas? <br /> Mr. Ball.entin�: Seven approved sites by Health Department. <br /> I <br />