Orange County NC Website
TELEPHONE EXCHANGE SYSTEM <br /> BID RECOMMENDATION <br /> It is recommended that Orange County lease/purchase over <br /> a five ,year period the Rolm CBX telephone exchange system <br /> from Centel Communications Company, P.O. Box 638, Madison, N.C. <br /> at a total price including maintenance of $228,790.20 on the <br /> basis of lowest responsible price. <br /> SYNOPSIS OF TELEPHONE EXCHANGE SYSTEM <br /> The Rolm CBX telephone exchange system recommended for lease/purchase <br /> from Central Telephone Company will expand the County's present capacity <br /> of 15 trunks and 225 lines to the specified 32 trunks and 278 lines. The <br /> system can be further expanded without additional switching equipment to <br /> 48 trunks and 320 lines. If necessary additional equipment can be purchased <br /> to expand the system to 120 trunks and 800 lines. The Rolm CBX will combine <br /> the two switching mechanisms leased from Central and located in the Courthouse <br /> and the Social Service Building into one switching mechanism. <br /> The Rolm CBX system is controlled by a programable software package <br /> which determines class of service for all stations and provides printouts <br /> that lists all out-going calls as to the extension placing call and the <br /> number called. As an additional control on long-distance call expenses, <br /> specific stations can be prevented from making long-distance phone calls. <br /> Some of this systems features are System Forwarding, Communication <br /> Line Service, Automatic Call Intercept, and System Speedcalling. System <br /> fon,aarding provdes an alternate answering facility for calls that are not <br /> answered after a preset time period, or where a called extension is busy, <br /> Phones in a specific group can be arranged so as one phone receives all <br /> incoming calls, if that phone is busy a second phone will automatically <br /> ring and so on. A group may also be arranged so that incoming calls are <br /> distributed evenly between all phones in the group. The communication (COM) <br /> Line Service allows stations to be arranged for intercom service, The COM <br /> grouping allows persons in a common work group to call each other by dialing <br /> fewer digits than the extension number. Automatic call intercept forwards <br /> calls to an attendant when the dialed number is uninstalled or out of order. <br /> System Speed calling provides a system directory of up to 1,000 numbers. <br /> These are commonly called numbers that can be accessed with abbreviated <br /> one, two or three digit numbers. Once accessed, the system will dial the <br /> full number, which can be up to 16 digits in length. <br /> Each touch tone station, besides the toll restriction option already <br /> mentioned have the following features: hold, transfer, call transfer with hold <br /> (in case the other line is busy) conference (maximum of eight parties) and <br /> call pick-up, where by an extension may answer ringing calls or acquire calls <br /> held for another extension by dialing the extension number called. <br /> Central Telephone Company has the responsibility of determining the <br /> specific needs of all the County operations and designing the system in the <br /> most efficient and economical way with review by the County's <br /> administrative officers. <br />