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Patrick McDonough suggested checking with Durham County regarding the fees they <br /> may have. <br /> Frank Clifton said to add the fees that are authorized by House Bill 148. <br /> Regarding Commissioner Yuhasz' question about Orange County's share, John Roberts <br /> said that the change has already been made to reflect this. He read his version: <br /> "Durham's share, including federal, state, and local transit tax proceeds, and this total <br /> shall be 1.061.8 billion and Orange's share, including federal, state, and local transit tax <br /> proceeds, and this total shall be $316.2 million." <br /> Commissioner Hemminger made reference to #13 and why this would be modified only <br /> once every three years. <br /> John Roberts said that this was the suggestion, but it may be changed. The three <br /> attorneys agreed to this. <br /> Commissioner Hemminger made reference to #15 and said that the County Manager of <br /> Orange County should be added to this statement. <br /> Frank Clifton suggested for section 3 to include that it is anticipated that the federal share <br /> is 50%, the state share is 25%, and the remaining 25% will be split as per the percentages with <br /> Durham and Orange Counties. <br /> Commissioner Gordon made reference to page 5, #11 and the terms of agreement, 4th <br /> line from the bottom, and she suggested adding "shall renegotiate this cost-sharing <br /> agreement." She asked about the federal monies and whether the receipt of the federal funds <br /> should be in the implementation agreements regarding timelines, etc. <br /> John Roberts said that he did not know when they would get the federal funds. <br /> Commissioner Gordon asked when they would know that the federal funds would not be <br /> coming through. <br /> Patrick McDonough said that it should not be thought of as in years, but project <br /> milestones. He said that the federal government would rather remove projects they think will <br /> fail much earlier in the process than they used to do. <br /> Commissioner Gordon said that this language does not address the project not <br /> happening at all. <br /> Chair Pelissier said that she is fine with the way it is worded. The Board agreed by <br /> consensus to leave the wording as is. <br /> Commissioner McKee made reference to #8 on page 5 and said that he is fuzzy on <br /> where they would be supplanting a route. He said that if Chapel Hill Transit discontinues a <br /> route and then waits 6 months to a year to reinstitute a new route with changes, he would like <br /> to know if this constitutes a supplementation. <br /> John Roberts said that staff is looking to add more on this topic in this agreement. <br /> Commissioner McKee said that he would prefer that more information be added. <br /> Frank Clifton said that this is a cost sharing agreement and many of these suggestions <br /> would be better addressed in the implementation agreement. <br /> Commissioner Gordon said that she would prefer to have separate agreements, with one <br /> agreement for Orange County and Triangle Transit, and then one for Durham County and <br /> Triangle Transit. <br /> b) Discussion on Public Input Received on Orange County Transit Plan <br /> Chair Pelissier said that the County Commissioners have at their places a summary of <br /> comments made at the public input sessions on transit. She said that the comments were very <br /> similar to what was heard at the public hearing. <br />