DocuSign Envelope ID:8COC6AOF-56EE-46F5-A733-01 0A357A1 EFA
<br /> Founded in 1958, Estes Hills Elementary School is one of the oldest schools in the
<br /> Chapel Hill-Carrboro City Schools district. Estes Hills is a neighborhood school in the
<br /> truest sense, as many students from the surrounding homes walk or bike to school every
<br /> day. This proximity to the nearby neighborhoods results in a high level of parental
<br /> involvement in the school. In the current academic year (2014-2015), Estes Hills
<br /> Elementary serves 497 children from kindergarten through fifth grade. The school has 23
<br /> traditional classrooms, and offers programs in Exceptional Education, Gifted Education,
<br /> and English as a Second Language, Estes Hills also provides "specials" instruction in
<br /> French, Art, Music, and Physical Education. In 2012 a Head Start pre-school program
<br /> was added to the campus and it currently serves 14 children. Our student body is fairly
<br /> evenly divided along gender lines (289 Male / 208 Female), and has a diverse racial
<br /> composition: White (58%), Hispanic (14%), Black (12%), Asian (9%), and Multi-Racial
<br /> (7%). For the 2015-2016 academic year, we anticipate a similarly structured study body.
<br /> • Estes Hills offers Art and Music instruction in accordance with the North Carolina
<br /> Standard Course of Study for elementary school students, with a full-time
<br /> professional in each "specials" discipline: Art, Music, and Physical Education (which
<br /> incorporates Dance).
<br /> • The volunteers leading the PTA's Cultural Enrichment Committee promote the
<br /> cultural arts in education by bringing professional artists to perform at our school.
<br /> During 2014-2015, the following performers visited Estes Hills Elementary School:
<br /> Orchid Ensemble — On October 1St, 2014, The Orchid Ensemble presented one
<br /> show, for grades 3rd-5th. Featuring instruments, music, and stories from China, the
<br /> Orchid Ensemble promoted a greater understanding of Asian culture. The Orchid
<br /> Ensemble encouraged student participation during their performance, drawing their
<br /> audience into a musical exploration of Asian culture.
<br /> North Carolina Youth Tap Ensemble — On November 18th, 2014, the North
<br /> Carolina Youth Tap Ensemble (NCYTE) performed twice, once for students in
<br /> grades K-2nd and once for students in grades 3rd-5th The NCYTE offered non-stop
<br /> percussive dance using a unique mix of vocals, pencil drumming, beat boxing, body
<br /> percussion, and Taiko drumming, while incorporating stories, history, and facts about
<br /> the various musical forms that they presented.
<br /> Bright Star Children's Theatre — On February 9th, 2015, Bright Star Children's
<br /> Theatre presented "Aesop's Fables" in one performance for our younger students, in
<br /> grades K-2nd. Entering their twelfth season, Bright Star is a North Carolina group
<br /> based in Asheville. Their shows often use only two actors, each of whom can
<br /> perform multiple roles in a play as needed. Bright Star's interpretation of Aesop's
<br /> Fables was a fast-paced, high-energy production that included favorites such as
<br /> "The Fox and the Grapes," "The Tortoise and the Hare," "The Boy Who Cried Wolf,"
<br /> and "The Lion and the Mouse."
<br /> Estes Hills Elementary School, Page 1 of 3
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