Agenda - 06-03-2008-5b1b
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 06-03-2008
Agenda - 06-03-2008-5b1b
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Last modified
8/29/2008 7:56:27 PM
Creation date
8/28/2008 10:23:50 AM
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Agenda Item
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Minutes - 20080603
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14 <br />In reviewing these findings it is important to remember one (1) thing: the majority of this property <br />has already been timbered and cleared to allow for the operation of the existing flea market and the <br />applicant is proposing to preserve substantial amounts of existing foliage to create a buffer from <br />adjacent residential developments. This land use was created prior to the adoption of the EDD <br />Standards and, as such, there was never any attempt to adhere to existing design principles. <br />In generating this assessment, staff identified the following: <br />l . As this is a Planned Development, and we are not reviewing site-specific development plans <br />or landscape plans, we have no reasonable way to calculate interior landscaping for each <br />district. While District II will never be able to achieve the minimum SRV ratio, as outlined <br />within the EDD Design Manual, we believe that additional landscaping will be installed in <br />District III to overcome the identified deficit, <br />2. As the applicant intends to adhere to the minimum Open Space requirernents,_with additional <br />landscaping along the various proposed building perimeters and~~roadways, staff is satisfied <br />that the applicant will be engaging in a project that will adhere to the basic concepts of the <br />Design Manual with respect to the liberal use of landscaping to create a visual break from <br />large-scale commercial development, <br />3. Staff agrees with the applicant's contention that the Design Manual was not written with this <br />_ type of project in mind or with the thought of the myriad of different land uses being <br />developed as part of one (1) project. The case study contained within the manual makes the <br />assumption that cluster developments will contain similar land uses. Within a true mixed use <br />development, it is staff's opinion that we want to encourage diverse land uses that can <br />compliment one another and serve a broader range of the general population's needs through <br />grouping these uses together in a centralized development, <br />CIIAR'I', 7CAlB]LE OR DEMONS'I'ItA'I'ION: Included ~vvithim tJhe text aaad Appeaadfix A <br />STAFF RECOMMENDATION: <br />Staff recommends approval of Design Solution Two (2) and believes that allowances ought to be <br />made to allow for a the use of the requested Floor Area Ratio (FAR) method of .30 in determining <br />the amount of developable building area ought to be allowed on the property. <br />Staff believes the proposal would allow for a broad range of uses on the property that would serve <br />the needs of a diverse population and reduce the overall need for local residents to travel to several <br />different commercial developments to address their various needs. <br /> <br />
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