Agenda - 06-03-2008-5b1b
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 06-03-2008
Agenda - 06-03-2008-5b1b
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Last modified
8/29/2008 7:56:27 PM
Creation date
8/28/2008 10:23:50 AM
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Agenda Item
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10 <br />ISSUE: <br />In reviewin the develo meat of this site, the a licant identified the following `' <br />g p pp <br />practical limitations in adhering to this system: <br />1. Buckhorn Village is proposing to be a mixed use development proposing a <br />myriad of different land uses in an effort to provide a broad spectrum. of <br />services to local residents, including: residential, office/institutional, <br />service/retail, and wholesale trade, <br />2. Development will occur within three (3) individual districts all approximately <br />forty (40) acres in area, <br />3. Each district has been designed to have a mixture of the uses outline above, <br />with residential development being proposed for location within Districts.Il <br />and Ill, . <br />4. Each of the proposed -land uses has a different Site Volume Ratio (SVR) <br />requirement from the other. <br />For example, wholesale trade land uses (i.e. sale of automotive parts, sporting <br />goods, hardware, pharmaceuticals and cosmetics, apparel, groceries, etc) <br />require a SVR of Three (3) while service and retail land uses (i.e. <br />hotels/motels, beauty and barber shops, theaters, dry cleaning, professional <br />offices, and the sale of durable goods) require a SVR of One (1). <br />As we are proposing a mixed use development that will see the clustering of <br />these types of uses within a single district, and maybe even in a single <br />building, it becomes impossible for the applicant to demonstrate compliance <br />with the SVR component of the EDD Manual. <br />While we may meet one (1) ratio for a given land use, we may not be able to <br />meet the other. <br />5. It is not practical to break-up and define the physical ,parking, loading, and <br />storage areas for each individual use as we are proposing shared parking, <br />loading, and storage areas for tenants in an effort to minimize the need for <br />expansive parking and paved areas. This is being done to preserve as much of <br />the existing landscaping on the property as well as reduce the overall amount <br />of impervious surface area we need to install for parking, roadways, etc. <br />There is no method within the EDD Design Manual to take into account the <br />provision of shared facilities (i.e. parking, loading, etc) to reduce the need for <br />individual parking areas or loading areas when calculating the SVR, <br />6. The existing methodology for calculating the Building Volume Ratio (BVR) <br />is outdated with respect to several assumptions made within the formula. <br />According to the EDD Design Manual, when calculating the BVR there is a <br />an assumption built into the formula in calculating the traditional floor area <br />ratio of 1.0, which has been deemed to be the equivalent to a building <br />covering an entire parcel of property. A constant, ten (10) feet, is included in <br />C <br />
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