Orange County NC Website
9 <br /> Local Continuation Budget Requests <br /> State Mandates <br /> Employer health insurance match increase (5.3% incr. to $5192) $ 207,000 <br /> State retirement match increase (9% incr. to 14.31%) $ 340,000 <br /> Subtotal $ 547,000 <br /> Continuation of Current Services <br /> Non-personnel school allotments for growth ($78/student) $ 25,740 <br /> Transportation operating budget $ 30,000 <br /> Subtotal $ 55,740 <br /> TOTAL OF CONTINUATION BUDGET REQUESTS $ 602,740 <br /> Local Expansion Budget Requests <br /> Expansion Requests <br /> Elementary #11 Planning Budget $ 339,460 <br /> Ephesus Elementary: .5 AIG Specialist $ 36,633 <br /> Phoenix Academy: stipends $4,500; field trips $1,000; <br /> community and family events $1,000; extend sec. pos. <br /> to 12 mos. $5,000; full-time SRO $25,000 $ 36,500 <br /> Exceptional Children: 1.0 elem. teacher $73,265; <br /> 2.0 system level TAs $68,904; classroom supplies $1,500; <br /> computer equip. $7,500; and .5 prog. facilitator for CHS <br /> and Phoenix $36,633 $ 187,802 <br /> BRMA Program: Parent Univ.: .5 sec. $22,940; operating <br /> expenses $12,000 $ 34,940 <br /> Staff development funds $ 50,000 <br /> $500 one-time bonus for 2000 employees incl. benefits $1,219,600 <br /> TOTAL OF EXPANSION BUDGET REQUESTS $1,904,935 <br /> GRAND TOTAL $2,507,675 <br /> Projected Local Budget Balance <br /> • Projected Local Revenue Increase $1,698,467 <br /> • Less: Continuation & Expansion Increase $2,507,675 <br /> Local Budget Shortfall ($ 809,208) <br /> The $809,208 budget shortfall will require a $67 increase in the per pupil appropriation <br /> ($808,208/12,112 students). <br /> Assigned fund balance in the amount of$3,652,913 will again be required to balance the <br /> 2012-13 budget. <br /> Rationale for One-time Bonus <br /> No wage increases for three consecutive years; the 2012-13 year will be the fourth year <br /> 10 hours of furloughed pay in 2008-09 <br /> 3.5% inflation growth for the past three years <br /> The 80/20 health insurance plan now costs employees $22.76 per month <br /> Health insurance co-pays have increased <br /> Monthly premiums have increased by $2,120.88 since 2008-09 <br /> Local Fund Balance <br />