Orange County NC Website
10 <br /> • Increased fund balance by reallocating, reducing, and savings efforts throughout the <br /> district for the past two years - $1.5 million <br /> • Spent all of the Education Jobs grant funds in 2010-11 and saved the Local dollars - <br /> $2.4 million <br /> • Balanced the 2011-12 budget by assigning $2.7 million in fund balance (mostly salaries <br /> and benefits) <br /> Must assign $2.7 million again to balance the 2012-13 budget <br /> Projecting an unassigned Local fund balance at 6/30/12 of$6 million or 9.5% <br /> Revenues Contributing to Fund Balance Increase <br /> • Education Jobs Grant $2.4 million <br /> • State/Local Position Trades $ .7 million <br /> • ARRA Grants $ .5 million <br /> • Savings initiatives $ .4 million <br /> Total $4.0 million <br /> Local Fund Balance (table) <br /> Projected 2012-13 <br /> State Budget <br /> Projected enrollment growth $1,940,520 <br /> Less Cost Increases: <br /> 13 Teacher positions (780,247) <br /> 4 TA positions (121,200) <br /> Increase in Discretionary Reduction (586,109) <br /> Total of Cost Increases ($1,487,556) <br /> Projected Net Increase to State Budget $452,964 <br /> (These funds will be allotted across several program areas.) <br /> Projected 2012-13 Formula Grant Allocations <br /> Based on current year allotments: <br /> Career Technical $ 90,000 <br /> IDEA VI-B Cap. Bldg & Improv. $ 50,000 <br /> IDEA VI-B Preschool Handicap. $ 36,000 <br /> Title 1 $1,000,000 <br /> IDEA VI-B Handicapped $2,709,578 <br /> IDEA Early Intervening Services $ 400,000 <br /> Improving Teacher Quality $ 380,000 <br /> IDEA VI-B Spec. Needs Targeted $ 17,000 <br /> Race to the Top $ 300,000 <br /> Projected Total $4,982,578 <br /> Recurring Capital Budget <br />