Orange County NC Website
Section 20.3.1: Application submitted to The. application contained all submittal requirements, including the <br />Zoning Officer: Three (3) total copies correct number of copies, and the appropriate fee per the adopted <br />are submitted to the Zoning Officer for Orange County Fee Schedule. <br />processing <br />Section 20.3.1: Zoning Officer to verify The Planning Director reviewed the applications and determined, <br />if application is deemed to be complete through an official letter dated January 7, 2008, that the application was <br />and notify applicant of an accepted, or deemed to be complete in accordance with the various provisions of the <br />rejected, application. Ordinance. ' <br />Section 20.3.2: Contents of Application: <br />Rezoning applications are required to <br />contain the following information, if they <br />are applicable to the request: <br />a) A fully dimensioned map at a A fully dimensioned map and legal description was contained within <br />scale of not less that one hundred the submitted application <br />(100) feet to the inch showing <br />the land which would be covered <br />by the proposed Zoning Atlas <br />amendment, and a legal <br />description of the land. <br />b) Amendments to the Zoning This provision is not .applicable. The applicant is not proposing to <br />Ordinance text are required to amend existing regulatory standards. <br />provide a copy of the text <br />provision that the applicant The proposed `design solutions' are only intended to impact the <br />proposed to amend and a written development of this project consistent with the rezoning request. They <br />statement describing in detail the are handled under the review of the Special Use Permit portion of the <br />changes that the applicant application. <br />proposed to make <br />c) A request to amend the Zoning This provision is not applicable. The applicant is not alleging an error <br />Atlas and/or text to correct an in either the Zoning Atlas or Ordinance. <br />error shall be accompanied with <br />an explanation demonstrating <br />how the error occurred. ' <br />