Orange County NC Website
a. Three (3) driveway entrances along Buckhorn Road, and <br />b. One (1) driveway entrance along West Ten Road <br />The applicant is also proposing to develop several bicycle lanes and pedestrian <br />sidewalks throughout the development to make it more pedestrian accessible and is <br />proposing to have four (4) bus stops with passenger pick-up and drop-off areas. <br />3. UTILITY MANAGEMENT: The applicant is proposing to make numerous modifications to. <br />existing infrastructure to support this project that is outlined within application in <br />accordance with the existing water/sewer boundary agreement with the City of Mebane. <br />4. OPEN SPACE MANAGEMENT: The applicant is proposing a comprehensive open <br />space management plan that involves preservation of existing woodlands, the planting of <br />interior parking lot buffer, and the planting of vegetation along all proposed streetscapes. <br />5. OWNERSHIP AND MANAGEMENT: The applicant is proposing to develop deed <br />restrictions and covenants that will not only ensure the perpetual upkeep and <br />maintenance of all common facilities (i.e: parking, roads, landscaped area, open space, <br />etc) but ensure compliance with any and all conditions imposed as part of the project's <br />approval <br />As the BOCC is already aware, a PD/SUP project is processed in the exact same manner as all <br />Class A SUP application. With these types of projects, however, the BOCC will be required to: <br />1. Take action on the rezoning request to rezone the identified properties from: I- <br />85/Buckhorn Road Economic Development (ED) District and/or Rural Residential One <br />(R-1) to Buckhorn Village Planned Development Economic Development District (BVPD- <br />ED). <br />Action on approving or denying the rezoning application is considered to be a Legislative <br />decision made in accordance with the provisions of Article Twenty (20) of the Zoning <br />Ordinance. <br />2. If the application to rezone the properties is approved, the BOCC will then take action on <br />the PD/SUP application proposing the development of the property as a master planned <br />mixed-use commercial site. <br />Action on approving or denying the PD/SUP application is considered to be a Quasi- <br />judicial decision made in accordance with the provisions of Article Eight (8) of the <br />Zoning Ordinance. <br />FINANCIAL IMPACT: In terms of the review of this project, there will be no financial impact on <br />the County as existing staffing levels are sufficient to process the application. <br />With respect to the overall financial impact of the project on the County, a financial impact study <br />was commissioned by the County and has been entered into the record for consideration. <br />