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to be done first. Then $50,000 was added in the 2012-13 for future utility and access right-of- <br /> way. <br /> Craig Benedict said that this area is north of 1-85 and is 300 acres. <br /> Efland Sewer <br /> No changes here. The total cost over the five years is exactly the same at $1.65 <br /> million. <br /> Eno EDD <br /> This was on page 61. This has been moved up two years because of the agreement <br /> with the City of Durham. The engineering and planning costs are $200,000 in 2012-13. <br /> Craig Benedict said that there have been three meetings with the City of Durham and <br /> July 1St the RFP will go out for a design consultant. The City of Durham has various engineers <br /> preapproved. The design and bidding should be done in a year and construction started in <br /> 2013-14. <br /> Solid Waste <br /> The summary for this is on page 62. <br /> Solid Waste Director Gayle Wilson said that the primary components of the CIP will be <br /> the improvements to the Solid Waste Convenience Centers. <br /> Commissioner Foushee asked that the line items for revenues and funding sources be <br /> broken out for the General Fund. <br /> Paul Laughton said that there is no general fund on this now, so it can be stricken. It <br /> will be the Solid Waste Enterprise Fund for the debt service. <br /> Commissioner McKee asked if the projection for Walnut Grove was generally on track. <br /> Gayle Wilson said that the numbers are pretty refined at this point. <br /> Paul Laughton said that the big change in the recycling is the timing of the curbside <br /> carts. There is a three-year phase of purchasing rural curbside carts to get to 13,000 total <br /> carts. Year two, 2013-14, will have urban curbside carts added in, at a cost of$948,000. <br /> Regarding the landfill MSW, with the decision to close the landfill June 30, 2013, there <br /> is $3.1 million moved up two years. Page 67 adds the C&D landfill and this is a new project. <br /> Commissioner Hemminger asked about the additional costs after closing the landfill. <br /> Gayle Wilson said that there will be operating costs, continued groundwater and gas <br /> monitoring, and these will be budgeted in the C&D budget. Most of the post-closure <br /> maintenance will be done by existing employees. <br /> Commissioner McKee asked about any projection on the revenue from the gas. <br /> Gayle Wilson said that it is in the $40-50,000 range until the University completes the <br /> pipeline and begins generating electricity. Once the system is functioning, the estimated <br /> revenue is $100-110,000 a year. <br /> Sportsplex <br /> This was on page 68. The HVAC replacement in the lobby is in year one. The pool <br /> roof repair of$180,000 is in year one. A new UV system of$100,000 is also in year one. The <br /> Board approved $411,000 for use of fund balance to get these things done during this fiscal <br /> year. <br /> The big projects are in the out years when there is potential growth. At this time, there <br /> is no more capacity for additional membership. <br />