Orange County NC Website
One of the issues is governance for the mental health in the state as it moves through <br /> the reform effort. In October of 2011 PBH posted a strategic planning meeting where all of the <br /> participating partners were invited to participate in the discussion about what they thought <br /> would work in the communities. Commissioner Yuhasz represented Orange County at this <br /> discussion. <br /> Judy Truitt said that the model that will be presented tonight was presented to the OPC <br /> Area Mental Health Board at the February meeting and it was approved by the members <br /> present to move forward to the Boards of Commissioners. <br /> The model that OPC is asking the Board to consider is one that recognizes that the way <br /> that area mental health boards are currently structured is by appointment of the local Board of <br /> Commissioners, a Commissioner designee, and citizen representatives. The board is currently <br /> a 19-member board and it has not been fully appointed for quite some time. The board made <br /> this decision, given the changes that were about to happen. The statute says that the board <br /> cannot be any larger than 30 members. <br /> Commissioner Gordon arrived at 7:13 PM. <br /> Judy Truitt made reference to page 8 of the agenda packet and said that the <br /> Community Oversight Board would be a 10-member board with significant community <br /> oversight. She made reference to the remainder of the PowerPoint slide in the packet. <br /> Community Oversight Board Responsibilities: <br /> - Advise the CEO on the evaluation and hiring of the Community Operations Center <br /> Executive Director <br /> - Recommend priorities for expenditure of state/county funds for development of the <br /> annual budget <br /> - Determine local priorities for inclusion in the area wide strategic plan, as possible <br /> - Identify community needs and concerns, monitor resolution of issues <br /> - Monitor performance at the local (COC) level: <br /> • Access to care <br /> • Financial status and expenditures <br /> • Service delivery <br /> • Provider Network size and composition <br /> • Outcomes <br /> • Consumer satisfaction <br /> Governance Board <br /> 13 Members <br /> Terms of office: max two four-year terms; as long as the individual remains a member of the <br /> Community Operations Center Board, regional CFAC, and County Commission. <br /> - One representative from each Community Oversight Board (Chair or elected member) <br /> - Two at large County Commissioners from among the counties. Governing Board asks <br /> for interested parties among commissioners serving on the Community Operations <br /> Center Boards. Governing Board elects two. <br /> - One representative from the regional CFAC, elected by the regional CFAC. <br /> - Six members with special expertise in healthcare, insurance, finance, and <br /> health/behavioral health physician or other professional; no more than 2 from any <br /> specialty area; from constituent counties if at all possible (initially appointed by the <br />