Orange County NC Website
3 <br />RESOLUTION ADOPTING THE THREE-YEAR SOLID WASTE <br />MANAGEMENT PLAN UPDATE TO BE SUBMITTED TO STATE OF NORTH <br />CAROLINA <br />WHEREAS, North Carolina statutorily requires each County and Municipality to update <br />its ten year solid waste plan every three years, and <br />WHEREAS, Orange County and its municipalities have historically cooperated closely <br />on solid waste management including plan development with the County being the lead <br />agency with regard to state reporting and planning, and <br />WHEREAS, the Board of Orange County Commissioners has created a representative <br />solid waste management plan work group that is developing a more comprehensive, <br />integrated long term plan including a financial plan and detailed implementation plan that <br />will supersede this plan next year, and <br />WHEREAS, the Orange County Solid Waste Department and the Solid Waste Advisory <br />Board have developed an interim plan for consideration, and <br />WHEREAS, plan development has included representatives from the Towns and UNC <br />and their interests have thereby been represented in plan development, and <br />WHEREAS, a widely publicized public meeting, sponsored by the Solid Waste Advisory <br />Board, was conducted on May 1 and no residents attended and provided input on the plan <br />document, and <br />WHEREAS, this plan submittal is predominantly a descriptive document with <br />recognition that further substantive work is required on the County's overall integrated <br />solid waste management plan, and <br />WHEREAS, the current submittal is almost two years overdue from the original plan <br />update due-date of June 30, 2006, and <br />WHEREAS, Orange County and its towns have historically been among the leaders in <br />the State with regard to waste reduction and responsible solid waste management; <br />THEREFORE NOW BE IT RESOLVED that the Board of Orange County <br />Commissioners adopts this solid waste management plan update. <br />This is the 3rd of June , 2008. <br />