Agenda - 06-03-2008-4v
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 06-03-2008
Agenda - 06-03-2008-4v
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8/29/2008 7:59:02 PM
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8/28/2008 10:22:56 AM
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3 <br />Memorandum <br />To: Laura Blackmon, County Manager <br />From: Gayle Wilson, Solid Waste Management Director <br />Subject: Recycling Processing and Collection Program Expansion Details and <br />Implementation Plan <br />Date: May 20, 2008 <br />At its March 6~' 2008 meeting the Board of County Commissioners approved in concept the <br />Solid Waste Plan Work Group recommendation that the County's Recycling Program transition <br />the Drop-Off and Commercial Recycling programs from collecting and processing source <br />separated cans and bottles to the collection of commingled cans and bottles (mixed containers) <br />and the subsequent transfer and sale of these materials to a third-party processing facility. At the <br />time of this approval, the Board directed staff to prepare a detailed cost analysis and <br />implementation plan for this transition. <br />This memorandum contains the cost analysis and implementation plan, and provides further <br />discussion of how this transition will enable the Recycling Program to: <br />• add corrugated cardboard (OCC) to the Urban and Rural Curbside recycling programs; <br />• expand the materials collected and the number of businesses served by the .commercial <br />recycling program; . <br />• enable the baling thus increasing value of residential mixed paper that is currently hauled to <br />market loose; and <br />• allow the addition of new source-separated plastics to the Drop-off recycling program. <br />These expansions will increase the operating efficiency of the Recycling Division and decrease <br />the amount of material buried as waste in the Orange County Landfill a projected 1,700 tons, <br />thereby contributing to extension of the life of the landfill. All costs associated with the items <br />detailed in this memorandum are included in the Department of Solid Waste Management's FY <br />2008-09 Budget request, and are being proposed to be accomplished without the need to increase <br />the 3-R Fee this year. Net first year cost of all program expansions are projected at $341,800 <br />including all non-recurring capital costs. Preliminary information on many of the topics <br />discussed in this report was included in information item discussing Tools to Extend Landfill <br />Life and Reduce waste, presented to the Board during their February 5~' meeting. <br />The Drop-off and Commercial Recycling programs are the only County-operated recycling <br />programs that have not completed the transition from source-separated to commingled. <br />containers. The Rural Curbside program made this transition in June of 2005, and the <br />Multifamily program made this transition in July of 2007. Transition of the Drop-off and <br />Commercial recycling programs to managing commingled containers will significantly increase <br />operating efficiency and enable multiple improvements and enhancements to a variety of <br />recycling operations. The following table details the new costs included in the Solid Waste <br />Administration and Recycling Division FY 08-09 Budget Request associated with this transition <br />and related program enhancements. <br />
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