Orange County NC Website
14 <br />6 <br />• Acquisition of new rubber tine loader and walking floor trailer to efficiently <br />handle increased loads of commingled materials, • • <br />• Lease of a tractor to pull the loaded trailers to a merchant processing facility, <br />• Reclassification oftwo existing Recycling Material Handlers (processors) to Solid <br />Waste Collectors (drivers), and <br />• Capability for additional materials pursuant to BOCC program expansion <br />priorities regarding extending landfill capacity. <br />At this time, staffrequests the Board to direct the preparation of a detailed cost analysis <br />and implementation plan, consistent with the Work Group's recoznm~nded course of <br />action, and report•back to the BOCC at a March/Apri12008 meeting for a final decision <br />or further guidance. • <br />6 <br />