Orange County NC Website
over Driver's Education, costing families $400-$600 per child to participate. He said if that <br /> course were followed, there will be children with financial means having the advantage of being <br /> able to drive earlier, but there will also be children driving without licenses leading to accidents. <br /> Chair Halkiotis said he believed at some point the State will pass along the costs for the <br /> yellow school buses to the Counties which are a significant financial burden. Chair Halkiotis <br /> said he believed that there will be more and more of these types of challenges. <br /> Chair Kelly said that many students are opting out of driving at a younger age in the <br /> CHCCS. He said it is an interesting phenomenon. <br /> Commissioner Rich said she also knows children who do not drive and prefer the bus. <br /> She expressed concern for the students who want to drive but are "locked out" because they <br /> cannot afford the fee for the course. <br /> Chair Kelly said they will do their best to answer Commissioner Price's question. <br /> 3. Discussion of a November 2016 Bond Referendum for School Capital Needs <br /> Bonnie Hammersley said the BOCC discussed and approved the scheduling of a <br /> November 2016 bond referendum totaling $125 million for school capital needs and supported <br /> the concept of a Bond Education Committee. She said this committee's composition, <br /> appointment process, and public outreach responsibilities will be discussed and decided on at a <br /> future meeting. <br /> Bonnie Hammersley said there is no immediate financial impact for this discussion <br /> tonight, and she recommends for the Boards to discuss the issue of a November 2016 Bond <br /> Referendum, discuss the Schools' older assessment findings, and provide direction to staff, as <br /> appropriate. <br /> Chair McKee said the BOCC vote was to move forward with the single issue of school <br /> capital needs. <br /> Chair Kelly asked if the intent of the bond is for older schools. <br /> Chair McKee said the discussion moved across the board. He said older schools and <br /> issues of safety and design of the older schools were discussed. He said the BOCC did focus <br /> strongly on renovations of existing schools in order to increase school capacity. He said the <br /> conversation mentioned the possibility of pushing back the need for new schools by renovating <br /> existing buildings. <br /> Commissioner Price said there are numerous safety concerns with many school <br /> campuses not having appropriate security for the times in which we live. <br /> Chair Kelly asked, for the purpose of educating the public, if there is a central theme <br /> around older schools and their needs (safety, code violations, mold, capacity, etc), or are they <br /> thinking about adding school wings or building new buildings. <br /> Chair McKee said since the Commissioners did not establish the composition for the <br /> task of a bond education committee and the November 2016 is 19 months away, there is time <br /> for the BOCC to discuss the components of this bond. He said this needs to be a collaborative <br /> effort with both School Boards to decide the specifics of the bond. <br /> Chair Halkiotis said their Board had an opportunity to listen to their staff, school by <br /> school, regarding what their facility priorities are going to be. He said most of their schools are <br /> at least 55 years old. He said both of the High Schools are over capacity. He said Cedar Ridge <br /> High School (CRHS) is 215 students over capacity and Orange High School is only 13 seats <br /> under its full capacity. He said the CRHS academic wing is a priority. He said there is some <br /> room with the elementary and middle schools. <br /> Chair Halkiotis said safety within OCS is a top priority, citing Grady Brown Elementary <br /> School as a particularly egregious example. He said renovations are critically important: <br /> bathroom facilities, HVAC systems, roofing systems, unfunded state mandates, antiquated <br /> science wings, etc. <br />