Orange County NC Website
26 <br /> Rogers Road Task Force Recommendations <br /> Transportation and Infrastructure <br /> - Bus service should be provided to the existing community and bus service should be extended as the community develops. <br /> - Improve transportation access through all modes(vehicles, bicycle and pedestrian,transit). <br /> - New points of ingress and egress to the community should be established. <br /> -A road should be built that connects the neighborhood to Weaver Dairy Rd. <br /> -Water and sanitary sewer mains should be exteneded to the community. <br /> -The Towns of Chapel Hill,Carrboro, Hillsborough,and Orange County should collaborate to identify and secure funds to be used for financing the entire cost of OWASA water and <br /> sewer connections for individual homes within the Historic Rogers-Eubanks community as part of the compensation for the 37 years of hosting the Orange County Landfill and other <br /> solid waste facilities.Attachment 1 provides a list of available funding sources at the state and federal levels. <br /> Open Space and Recreation <br /> -Active recreation opportunities need to be provided for the Rogers Road community. <br /> - Passive recreation opportunities such as trails should be constructed on the Greene Tract. In order to do so,the Greene Tract Concept Plan should be revised by the local <br /> governments to reflect changing conditions along with this plan. <br /> - If a school is built in the community,explicit facility sharing relationships should be established prior to construction. <br /> Design and Land Use <br /> -The Recommended Master Plan on page 17 should become the basis for a future land use plan amendment for the Rogers Road area. <br /> -The Town should take the lead in initiating intergovernmental land use discussions(as required by the Joint Planning Agreement) by articulating a new vision for growth in the <br /> area. <br /> - New development should be compact and offer a range of housing types.This will facilitate the development for a neighborhood core in the eastern part of the study area,as will <br /> the presence of a school and a neighborhood commercial district. <br /> - Minimum setback requirements for new development should reflect the Task Force's desire to have a front porch community where life meets the street. Houses should be built <br /> close to sidewalks. <br /> -The Task Force desires that the currently developed areas near Rogers Road and the peripheries of the study area maintain their current densities.This would allow this part of the <br /> community to maintain its rural feel. <br /> Report Rogers Road Task Force <br />