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<br />[f{~1~~IrPI7 <br />North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services <br />Office of Long-Term Servipes and Supports <br />In many communities, long-term support services are supported by numerous funding streams, <br />administered by multiple agencies, and have complex, fragmented, and often duplicative intake, <br />assessment, and eligibility functions. Determining how to obtain services ~is difficult both for persons <br />who qualify for publicly funded support and for those who can pay privately. A uniform, coordinated <br />system, of information and access for all persons seeking tang-term support will minimize confusion, <br />enhance individual choice, and support informed decision making. It will also improve the ability of <br />state and local governments to manage resources and to monitor program quality through centralized <br />data collection and evaluation. ADRCs are a key component of an effectively managed, consumer-driven <br />system of long-term supports and services. ADRCs will enable policy makers and program administrators <br />to respond more effectively to individual needs, address system problems, and limit the unnecessary <br />use of high-cost services, including institutional services. <br />Making information and counseling available to both public and private=pay individuals is a central <br />element of the ADRC vision. Reaching people before they become Medicaid-eligible, end helping them <br />to learn about low-cost options and programs such as private long-term support insurance, can help <br />individuals make better use of their own resources and help to prevent or delay spending resources <br />down to Medicaid eligibility levels. <br />SCOPE OF SERVICES <br />i'arget Population <br />This RFA is to develop ADRCs that serve, at a minimum, the aging population, and adults with <br />disabilities. For the definition of "aging" in this solicitation, we use age 60 and above as specified in the <br />Older Americans Act. For the definition of "disability," we use the definition from the Americans with <br />Disabilities Act, "e physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more of the major life <br />activities of such individual; a record of such an impairment; or being regarded as having such <br />impairment." <br />The ADRC will be a resource for both public and private-pay individuals. Each ADRC will serve persons <br />who .are aging, adults with disabilities, family caregivers and persons planning for future long-term <br />support needs. The ADRC will also be a resource for health care professionals, long-term support <br />professionals, and others who provide services to the aging population and to people with disabilities. <br />Program Features <br />Listed below 'are program features which should be considered in developing the proposal to meet the <br />intent of this RFA. The goal of ADRCs is to empower individuals to make informed choices and to <br />streamline access to long-term services and supports. Long-term services and supports refers to a wide <br />range of in-home, community based, and institutional services and programs that are designed to help <br />individuals who are aging. <br />Each ADRC in North Carolina must: <br />• Serve as a highly visible and trusted resource where people can turn far information on the full <br />range of long-term support options <br />• Serve as a uniform portal of entry to public and private long-term support programs and benefits <br />6 of 69 <br />