Orange County NC Website
eS <br /> ORANGE BUILDING FUTURES CENTER <br /> Highlights � � <br /> FuTu'R <br /> • Orange Building Futures Youth Center participants attended the 8th The tomorrow you've always imagined <br /> Annual North Carolina Youth Summit that was held on Friday and <br /> Saturday March 28th, and 29th at the Embassy Suites in Greensboro, <br /> NC. The event which hosted Workforce Investment Act (WIA) <br /> participants from across the state delivered a strong leadership <br /> message with encouraging songs of hope. Youth were informed that <br /> leadership demonstration is a way of life, and its never to early to start <br /> becoming a leader. Life direction was discussed in an effort to help <br /> Youth determine how to devote their time towards achievement. <br /> Youth were encouraged to recognize and learn to utilize their unique <br /> strengths. The event also provided a dinner and entertainment in the <br /> evening. A Workforce Summit Idol Competition was held showcasing 3 <br /> many statewide talents. Orange BFYC participant Devana Turner was <br /> recognized as the winner of the competition. Devana of Cedar Ridge Devana Turner, <br /> High School in Hillsborough, showed off her dynamic voice while WIA Youth <br /> singing "Who's Loving You", and "A Leak in This Ole Building". <br /> •The BFYC offered several workshops for WIA Youth <br /> participants in an effort to encourage sound decision <br /> making skills. Topic examples included financial literacy, <br /> building self esteem & positive attitudes, diet and exercise, <br /> and healthy dating relationships. <br /> • Several BFYC participants were connected with work <br /> experience opportunities. These 100% subsidized <br /> y employment experiences provide youth with the realization <br /> of employment while allowing them to acquire skills for the <br /> future and a paycheck to reward them for their work along <br /> Youth Teamwork Activities, <br /> NC Youth Conference the way. Many of the youth have never held employment <br /> before and there are often soft skills that must be <br /> developed. Such skills may include the very basics associated with a job such as showing to <br /> work on time, proper hygiene and attire, or mental attitude. Efforts are made to place youth in <br /> work experience sites that they may hold a long term interest. Examples of <br /> sites where participants may be placed in Orange County include the Skills <br /> Development Center, Orange County Department of Social Services, and <br /> the Hargraves Community Center. The duties performed by Youth , <br /> participants vary based on the worksite and the realistic possibilities that may <br /> potentially be made available. T <br /> Annual Report 2013-2014 17 <br />