Orange County NC Website
ORANGE CAREER CENTER <br /> Highlights <br /> • Project Connect held in October 2013 served again as or center <br /> the Annual Outreach Event for the Orange Career <br /> Center. Several workforce development partners <br /> gathered in an effort to share information related to the <br /> services, and upcoming classes and programs offered <br /> through the Orange Career Center and Durham Tech.The intention of the annual event is to assist individuals <br /> who are homeless or at risk of homelessness with options <br /> to improve their circumstances. <br /> •The Orange Career Center reported that 152 <br /> jobseekers were employed from Job Fair activities alone during the fiscal year. <br /> • Mike Komives, Orange Career Center HRD Instructor won Durham Technical Community <br /> Colleges' Excellence in Adjunct Teaching Award for his contributions to the college and the <br /> community. The outstanding support of his students and partners are a reflection of the <br /> tremendous effort that Mike puts into his teaching. His classes for the HRD/Workforce <br /> Development Program include the Job Search Strategies for Mature Professionals, Job Search <br /> Plus: Linkedln and Beyond, and Job Seeking Skills Workshops held at the Orange County <br /> Career Center. <br /> •Two ISD meetings with a "mutual" facilitator were held with sessions focused on team <br /> building, and role playing functional duties. Career Center partners from the Regional <br /> Partnership were invited to participate in both events. <br /> •Through the Career Center Partnerships Programming <br /> was offered at the Orange County DSS and Durham <br /> Technical Community College's Orange County Campus. <br /> The workshops, classes, and open labs were on a variety , <br /> of topics including Technology Awareness for the <br /> Workplace, Networking and Interviewing Skills, Customer <br /> Service, Finding and Keeping the Job You Want, <br /> Introduction to EMS, Linkedln and Beyond, Job Search <br /> Strategies for Mature Professionals, and the ongoing Job <br /> Seeking Skills Workshops, and Resume and Application <br /> Labs. Nursing Assistant day, evening, and hybrid classes were also offered as well as English <br /> as a Second Language and GED and Adult Basic Education day and evening Classes. <br /> 16 Annual Report 2013-2014 <br />