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2 <br /> In addition to this base bid, there will be two optional gravity sewer service lines included for <br /> pricing in the bid package. These are shown as Add-alternates on the attached map of the <br /> gravity sewer portion of the project (see Attachment — Sheet 1). If the bids received come in <br /> low enough, it may be possible to include these optional sewer lines within the project's budget. <br /> The design for the project was completed recently and all necessary permits have been <br /> obtained. Staff would like to continue moving forward towards construction of this project by <br /> bidding and awarding the contract over the summer. This will allow the construction contractor <br /> to take advantage of the better construction conditions during the summer and early fall <br /> months. The following table shows the proposed schedule for the bidding and contract award <br /> process. <br /> TASK BEGINNING END BY <br /> DATE DATE <br /> BOCC Action: Authorize the Manager to proceed with bidding 6/16/15 <br /> and award for construction during the summer and fall months of <br /> 2015 <br /> Bid advertisement (one month) 6/17/15 7/15/15 <br /> Pre-bid Meeting 7/1/15 <br /> Bid Opening 7/15/15 <br /> Bid review and award recommendation 7/15/15 7/24/15 <br /> Bid Award Notice/Manager Approval 7/27/15 7/28/15 <br /> Pre-construction meeting 8/28/15 <br /> Construction Mobilization Begins 9/14/15 <br /> Construction is expected to take approximately 14 months, weather permitting, with an <br /> estimated substantial completion in November 2016. In order to move forward with the <br /> preliminaries to construction and begin construction according to the schedule above, an <br /> engineering firm will need to be hired over the summer break to perform construction contract <br /> administration and engineering inspections. The current engineering design contract for the <br /> project only provides for services through the bid award phase of the project. <br /> FINANCIAL IMPACT: The project was originally included as part of the BOCC approved <br /> FY2013 Capital Investment Plan (CIP) budget with construction funding approved for this <br /> current fiscal year, FY2015. The total CIP appropriations for this project are $4,973,000, which <br /> includes a 10% contingency on the construction portion of the budget. The annual debt service <br /> is estimated at $389,024, and will be paid from Article 46 Sales Tax Proceeds dedicated for <br /> debt service payments. <br /> RECOMMENDATION(S): The Manager recommends the Board authorize the Manager to: <br /> 1) Award the bid and, upon County Attorney review, execute the construction contract for <br /> the Buckhorn Mebane Sewer Phase 2 Extension project during the summer break in an <br /> amount not to exceed the project budget; <br /> 2) Execute, upon County Attorney review, a professional services contract with an <br /> engineering firm over the summer break for construction contract administration and <br /> engineering inspections within the project budget; and <br /> 3) Approve project change orders that do not in total exceed the project budget. <br />