Orange County NC Website
ATTACHMENT 1 4 <br /> PLAN TO ADDRESS BOCC PETITION <br /> REGARDING OUTBOARD/BICYCLE SAFETY <br /> Proposed Structure <br /> • Venue: Full OUTBoard rather than a subcommittee due to staff and <br /> administrative capacity, and to ensure better attendance. <br /> • BOCC Representation: Unless others are identified, Commissioners Price and <br /> Jacobs will be noticed of meetings as the BOCC representatives to attend and <br /> participate in discussion when bicycle safety is an item on the OUTBoard's <br /> agenda. <br /> • Citizen Participation: All citizens are welcome to attend and participate in <br /> discussion. If participation is high, guidelines may need to be established to <br /> ensure that all have equal opportunity to participate, to stay on topic, and to <br /> ensure that any other required items are addressed by the OUTBoard during the <br /> course of its meetings. Mrs. Bonnie Hauser will receive personal notification as a <br /> citizen that has expressed appreciable interest in the topic. If there are any <br /> others that County Commissioners would like to identify to receive personal <br /> invite, please make staff aware. All OUTBoard meetings are notified consistent <br /> with public meeting law. <br /> • Public Outreach: <br /> o Notify identified stakeholders <br /> • Public notice via Carla Banks and News of Orange <br /> • Create brochure and use as a handout at meetings and to any interested <br /> parties <br /> • Task Objectives: <br /> o Review County authority and State law <br /> • Provide copy of County-endorsed bicycle routes (map) <br /> • Get updated on topic and recent activities <br /> • Define current problem statement <br /> • Create broad categories for addressing problem (education; law <br /> enforcement; NCDOT; etc.) <br /> • Suggest/recommend policies, procedures, etc. for addressing problem <br /> • Identify agencies, County departments, etc. for addressing problem <br /> • Calendar: Will attempt to resolve task over the course of three (3) OUTBoard <br /> meetings, and wrapped up by the end of May, 2015: Mtg. 1 — Intro, County <br /> authority and State law, update and recent activities; Mtg. 2 — Problem <br /> statement, categories for addressing problem, recommended policies and <br /> procedures, and identify agencies/departments for addressing problem; Mtg. 3 — <br /> Review recommendations/plan developed by staff, comment, and staff <br /> finalization and forwarding to BOCC. <br /> • BOCC Next Steps: Staff will report back to the BOCC in June with <br /> recommendations and seek direction for next steps or closure. <br />