Orange County NC Website
2 <br /> The subcommittee's final Draft Bicycle and Pedestrian Safety Report (Attachment 2) was <br /> reviewed and edited by the OUTBoard at its May 20, 2015 meeting. Excerpts from the <br /> OUTBoard's draft Minutes are provided in Attachment 3. The OUTBoard unanimously <br /> voted to approve the Report with minor edits discussed in the meeting, and forward the <br /> Report to the BOCC with a request for endorsement and implementation of the <br /> recommended policies and procedures for advancing bike and pedestrian safety in the <br /> County. Because counties in North Carolina do not maintain roads, the Draft Report looks <br /> more towards policies, procedures and public education rather than enforcement. <br /> The following is a list of the recommended policies and procedures in the Report- <br /> 1. Create a Task Force to put together an action plan for implementing the list of <br /> actions suggested in Charge 5 (of the Report) and have the action plan reviewed by <br /> the OUTBoard and presented to the BOCC. Have one member of the BOCC serve <br /> as a member of the Task Force. <br /> 2. Charge the Task Force with providing a list of roadways or areas in Orange County <br /> that need improvements for the OUTBoard to review, and send to the BOCC or to <br /> staff for approval. <br /> 3. Have staff create a list of goals for improving the roadways identified by the Task <br /> Force, including desired timelines and approximate costs. <br /> 4. Instruct staff to review with the OUTBoard roads that are scheduled for resurfacing <br /> and recommend wide shoulders or other appropriate improvements on roads <br /> identified as rural bikeways. <br /> 5. Ask NCDOT to adhere to their Complete Streets manual and to their written policies <br /> concerning rumble strips when installing them on rural roads (see Appendix B of the <br /> Report). <br /> 6. Receive semi-annual updates and annual written reports from staff regarding <br /> progress of the above noted action items and goals for the past and the upcoming <br /> year. <br /> NC Bicycle Laws <br /> For additional background and information, NCDOT has produced a guide intended to <br /> serve as a tool and reference document for education and enforcement of bicycle and <br /> pedestrian laws- <br /> down load/bikeped laws Guidebook- ull.pdf . <br /> FINANCIAL IMPACT: There is no immediate financial impact associated with this item <br /> except through future implementation items that would require an investment authorized by <br /> the BOCC at a later date. <br /> RECOMMENDATION(S): The Manager recommends the Board: <br /> 1. Accept the Bicycle and Pedestrian Safety Report; and <br /> 2. Direct staff to: <br />