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14 <br /> become sunken below the pavement surface,utility covers should be at least four feet beyond the rumble strips to the edge of the paved <br /> installed mush with the adjacent street surface and/or adjusted when shoulder. Where guardrail,curb or other continuous obstructions <br /> streets are reconstructed or resurfaced. exist.additional wldih(2 feet extra width)may be needed to provide <br /> adequate clearance for bicyclists. <br /> Shoulder Rumble Strips <br /> • Bicycle gaps(recurring short gaps)should be designed in the <br /> A shoulder rumble strip is a safety feature for motorists installed on a continuous rumble strip pattern to allow for ease of movement <br /> paved shoulder near the outside edge of the travel lane. It is made of bicyclists from one side of the rumble to the other. A typical <br /> of a series of millod or raised elements intended to alert inattentivro pattern is gaps of 10 to 12 feet between groups of the milled-in <br /> drivers{through vibration and sound)that their vehicles have left elements at 60 feet Intervals- <br /> the travel lane. Rumble strips are placed as a countermeasure for <br /> drover error,rather than street deficlencres,and are typically used Decreased width of rumble strip and/or decreased offset width to <br /> on high speed facilities in rural areas. They are less applicable on the edge lino(travel lane)may provide additional space usable to <br /> urban and suburban street types. Where trey are used.rumble strips blcycllsts- <br /> on shoulders should be designed to lessen impacts on other users <br /> ;speclfleally bicyclists},Shoulder rumble strips with a narrow offset Rumble craps have typically been used Iu rural areas where run- <br /> of 9 inches or less from the edge of the pavement marking[travel off-load crash rban pins exist,and their use on urban freeways <br /> laney have been shown to be the most effective.because the(Inver is and possibly urban parkways should be determined on the meal of <br /> alerted soonor and it provides a slightly larger recovery area after bring he street Lipson other)and context- Rumple strips are generally <br /> not necessary on other complete street types. Irrslallatlon will he <br /> alerted- <br /> considered on rural roads where posted speed limits and/or statutory <br /> Characteristics of and concerns about rumble strips that IImIt their speeds are at 55 miles per hour and above. Installation will be <br /> usefulnessor appllcatlon Include low traffic speeds.noise for adjacent considered along specific rural roads where signlhcanf numbers of run- <br /> pavement width,presence of curb aria gutter, oft-road-crashes that Include any form of motorist Inattentlon has been <br /> signlficard turning movements,and other conflicts for motorists, Identified- <br /> pedestrians and hrcyc lists- <br /> Bicycllsts are affected by rumble stri ps. As legal street and road users, <br /> bicyclists may be In the travel lane,but where paved shoulders are <br /> available and clear,bicyclists will often use them to avoid Conflicts with <br /> faster moving vehicles In the travel lane. As described In Chapters 3 <br /> and 4,paved shoulders.if wide enough.can be an appropriate Iacility <br /> type for bicyclists on some higher speed roadways.such as parkways <br /> or rural roads. There are a number of measures that should be <br /> considered to accommodate bicyclists when Installing rumble stri ps: <br /> • <br /> Wide outside paved shoulders improve safety for all highway and <br /> road users.Where existing cross-section exists or Is available.allow <br /> Chapter 9 18o Narih Carolina Compleir Strsets Planningand Design Gwdclinei <br />