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3 <br /> RES-2015-037 Attachment 1 <br /> ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br /> RESOLUTION OF ADOPTION <br /> ENO-HAW REGIONAL HAZARD MITIGATION PLAN <br /> WHEREAS, in October 2000, the President of the United States signed into law the <br /> "Disaster Mitigation Act of 2000" (Public Law 106-390) to amend the "Robert T. Stafford <br /> Disaster Relief and Emergency Act of 1988" which requires local governments to adopt <br /> a mitigation plan in order to be eligible for hazard mitigation funding; and <br /> WHEREAS, Federal mitigation planning regulations require local mitigation plans to be <br /> updated and resubmitted to the Federal Emergency Management Agency for approval <br /> every five years in order to continue eligibility for Federal Emergency Management <br /> Agency hazard mitigation assistance programs; and <br /> WHEREAS, North Carolina General Statute §166-A - 19.41, approved by the North <br /> Carolina General Assembly in June 2001, requires local governments to have a hazard <br /> mitigation plan approved in order to receive state public assistance funds; and <br /> WHEREAS, County staff along with representatives from partnering jurisdictions in <br /> conjunction with contract services have performed a comprehensive review and <br /> evaluation of the newly created Eno-Haw Regional Hazard Mitigation Plan and have <br /> updated the plan as required under regulations at 44 CFR Part 201 and according to <br /> guidance issued by the North Carolina Division of Emergency Management; and <br /> WHEREAS, the North Carolina Division of Emergency Management has deemed the <br /> Eno-Haw Regional Hazard Mitigation Plan compliant with Section 322 of the Disaster <br /> Mitigation Act of 2000, as well as with relevant state requirements; and <br /> WHEREAS, the Federal Emergency Management Agency has received a draft of the <br /> Eno-Haw Regional Hazard Mitigation Plan and is currently reviewing; <br /> NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board of County Commissioners of <br /> Orange County hereby adopt, by way of this resolution, the "Eno-Haw Regional Hazard <br /> Mitigation Plan" as approved by the North Carolina Division of Emergency <br /> Management. <br /> This the 16th day of June, 2015. <br /> Earl McKee, Chair <br /> Orange County Board of Commissioners <br /> ATTEST: COUNTY SEAL <br /> Donna Baker <br /> Clerk to the Board <br />