Orange County NC Website
2 <br /> Because of this, Orange County has partnered with the Town of Carrboro, the Town of Chapel <br /> Hill, the Town of Hillsborough, the Durham County and its encompassed municipalities, and <br /> Alamance County and its encompassed incorporated areas to develop the new Eno-Haw <br /> Regional Hazard Mitigation Plan. No local control is lost by any participating entity in the <br /> regional plan, and each participant retains the right for apply for State or Federal funding. <br /> Furthermore, as an additional benefit, any combination of participants can choose to share the <br /> cost of any required local match when applying for project funding. <br /> In accordance with State and Federal regulations, the Eno-Haw Regional Hazard Mitigation <br /> Planning Team, which consists of representatives from Orange County Planning and <br /> Inspections, Orange County Emergency Services, and the other participating jurisdictions, <br /> began meeting in mid-2014 to work with AECOM, a contractor provided by the State, to create <br /> the new Eno-Haw Regional Hazard Mitigation Plan. Collectively, the team evaluated past <br /> hazards and incidents, the geographical profile, the population profile, recently updated Flood <br /> Insurance Rate Maps (FIRMs), and other data to compile a profile for the region. Additionally, <br /> mitigation goals, strategies, and actions were developed for the region. <br /> A draft of the Eno-Haw Regional Hazard Mitigation Plan was submitted to the State Hazard <br /> Mitigation Officer for review in April 2015. The State returned comments on April 29, 2015, and <br /> the local planning team returned the plan with requested revisions. The plan was returned with <br /> the suggested revisions on May 8, 2015 for approval, and North Carolina Emergency <br /> Management returned an official approval letter on May 25, 2015. The Federal Emergency <br /> Management Agency (FEMA) is currently reviewing the plan and is expected to issue approval <br /> within the next 30 days. <br /> The Plan, noted as Attachment 3, is available electronically <br /> at: servicesfeno- <br /> hw_ regional hazard mitigation plan.php. <br /> Local government approval of the plan is occurring ahead of the expected FEMA approval in <br /> order to ensure necessary deadlines are met. If FEMA's review results in any significant <br /> revisions, the plan will be brought back to the BOCC for re-adoption at a later date. <br /> FINANCIAL IMPACT: There is no direct financial impact associated with the adoption of the <br /> Eno-Haw Regional Hazard Mitigation Plan. The State has provided funding for contracting <br /> services associated with compiling the plan. State and Federal law require a jurisdiction to have <br /> an adopted and approved hazard mitigation plan in place to be eligible for hazard mitigation <br /> assistance funds. Work at the local level was accomplished using existing County and local <br /> staff. <br /> RECOMMENDATION(S): The Manager recommends the Board approve and authorize the <br /> Chair to sign the attached resolution adopting the Eno-Haw Regional Hazard Mitigation Plan. <br />