Orange County NC Website
1 <br /> ORANGE COUNTY <br /> BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br /> ACTION AGENDA ITEM ABSTRACT <br /> Meeting Date: June 16, 2015 <br /> Action Agenda <br /> Item No. 6-j <br /> SUBJECT: Eno-Haw Regional Hazard Mitigation Plan <br /> DEPARTMENT: Emergency Services PUBLIC HEARING: (Y/N) No <br /> Planning and Inspections <br /> ATTACHMENT(S): INFORMATION CONTACT: <br /> 1. Resolution of Adoption Kirby Saunders, EM Coordinator, 245-6135 <br /> 2. North Carolina Emergency Ashley Moncado, Planner II, 245-2589 <br /> Management Letter of Approval Perdita Holtz, Planner III, 245-2578 <br /> Josh Hollingsworth, EM Planner, 245-6138 <br /> UNDER SEPARATE COVER <br /> 3. Eno-Haw Regional Hazard Mitigation <br /> Plan (Only Available Electronically <br /> at hLtp-://www.oranqecountvnc.qov/der) <br /> artments/emergency services/eno- <br /> haw regional hazard mitigation plan. <br /> PLO <br /> PURPOSE: To approve a resolution adopting the Eno-Haw Regional Hazard Mitigation Plan as <br /> approved by the North Carolina Division of Emergency Management. <br /> BACKGROUND: In October of 2000, the "Disaster Mitigation Act of 2000" (DMA 2000) (Public <br /> Law 106-390) was signed into law, which amended the "Robert T. Stafford Disaster Relief and <br /> Emergency Act of 1988." DMA 2000 requires local governments to adopt a hazard mitigation <br /> plan in order to be eligible for hazard mitigation funding. To remain eligible for funding, each <br /> local government must update the hazard mitigation plan every five years. <br /> In addition, North Carolina General Statute §166-A - 19.41 states as a condition of State public <br /> assistance funds following a disaster "the eligible entity shall have a hazard mitigation plan <br /> approved pursuant to the Stafford Act." <br /> Previously, Orange County, in partnership with the Town of Carrboro and the Town of <br /> Hillsborough, updated the "Orange County Hazard Mitigation Plan" in accordance with State and <br /> Federal requirements, and the most recent plan was adopted by the BOCC on May 6, 2010. <br /> Recently, in an effort to reduce costs associated with hazard mitigation planning, the State <br /> began prioritizing planning funding provided to counties to those who collaboratively created <br /> regional hazard mitigation plans with neighboring jurisdictions that are facing comparable or <br /> similar hazards. The goal was to combine efforts and have counties create comprehensive, <br /> multi-county/multi jurisdictional plans while using fewer resources. <br />