Orange County NC Website
1 <br /> I Attachment 1 <br /> 2 <br /> 3 DRAFT MINUTES <br /> 4 ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br /> 5 HILLSBOROUGH BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br /> 6 JOINT MEETING <br /> 7 April 23, 2015 <br /> 8 7:00 p.m. <br /> 9 <br /> 10 The Orange County Board of Commissioners met for a Joint Meeting with the Town of <br /> 11 Hillsborough Commissioners on Thursday, April 23, 2015 at 7:00 p.m., in the Whitted Building, <br /> 12 in Hillsborough, North Carolina. <br /> 13 <br /> 14 COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Chair Earl McKee and Commissioners Mia <br /> 15 Burroughs, Mark Dorosin, Barry Jacobs, and Bernadette Pelissier <br /> 16 COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: Penny Rich and Renee Price <br /> 17 COUNTY ATTORNEYS PRESENT: James Bryan, Staff Attorney <br /> 18 COUNTY STAFF PRESENT: County Manager Bonnie Hammersley and Assistant County <br /> 19 Manager Cheryl Young, and Clerk to the Board Donna S. Baker (All other staff members will be <br /> 20 identified appropriately below) <br /> 21 HILLSBOROUGH COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Mayor Tom Stevens and Kathleen <br /> 22 Ferguson, Commissioners Eric Hallman, Brian Lowen, Evelyn Lloyd, and Jenn Weaver <br /> 23 HILLSBOROUGH COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: <br /> 24 HILLSBOROUGH STAFF PRESENT: Margaret Hauth, Planning Director <br /> 25 HILLSBOROUGH TOWN STAFF ABSENT: Town Manager, Eric Peterson <br /> 26 <br /> 27 Chair McKee called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. <br /> 28 <br /> 29 Welcome and Opening Remarks <br /> 30 Chair McKee said Commissioner Price is unable to attend due to a North Carolina <br /> 31 Association of County Commissioners (NCACC) meeting, and Commissioner Rich had a <br /> 32 conflict. <br /> 33 Mayor Stevens recognized the meeting room, its usefulness, and the County's generosity <br /> 34 in allowing it to be used for community matters. He said Commissioner Lloyd would be late. <br /> 35 He said Town Manager Eric Peterson would be unable to attend tonight, and Planning Director <br /> 36 Margaret Hauth would be attending in his place. <br /> 37 <br /> 38 1.) Transportation/Transit <br /> 39 a) Bus Circulator Routes <br /> 40 Peter Murphy, Orange County Public Transportation Administrator, said there have been <br /> 41 some changes made on the Hillsborough bus circulator, as of March 2, 2015. He said the staff <br /> 42 looked at the route, the difficulty of keeping it on time, and how to improve timeliness as well as <br /> 43 how to serve other areas. He added the changes have been successful to date, with consistent <br /> 44 timeliness. He said some of the changes involved getting the bus out from under 1-85. He said <br /> 45 the bus now goes to the areas north of 1-85 and then works its way around, which has saved a <br /> 46 significant amount of time. He added that all of the same stops are being served, just in a <br /> 47 different order. He said the number of passengers has not changed, and about one thousand <br /> 48 riders continued to be served per month. He said after leaving the Sportsplex, the bus now <br /> 49 goes onto Route 70, serving neighborhoods and the Food Lion there. He said ridership has <br />