Orange County NC Website
5 <br /> 1 $ (637,042) TOTAL PROJECTED REDUCTION TO EXPENDITURES <br /> 2 <br /> 3 Del Burns said OCS is requesting an increase in per pupil funding of$81, for this coming <br /> 4 fiscal year. He said this will allow continued funding for Safe Havens, and deferred <br /> 5 maintenance in the Local At-Risk. <br /> 6 Commissioner Dorosin extended his personal thanks to Del Burns for his work in Orange <br /> 7 County and said he is an invaluable asset to students throughout the state. <br /> 8 Commissioner Price asked what would happen if the Driver's Education program was <br /> 9 not funded. <br /> 10 Del Burns said by Statute, schools must include funding in their current expense budgets <br /> 11 for Driver's Education, whether there are funds or not. He said OCS is currently spending <br /> 12 $135,000 and around $40 per student to fund this. He said if State funding is cut, the families <br /> 13 will not see an increase is the fee; rather the school system will absorb the cost. <br /> 14 Chair McKee asked if John Roberts had heard any update from Raleigh regarding this <br /> 15 bill. <br /> 16 John Roberts said no. <br /> 17 Commissioner Dorosin asked if under both budget scenarios, seven teaching positions <br /> 18 will be eliminated. <br /> 19 Del Burns said yes, but based on the current allotment formula, such a change should <br /> 20 not affect class size. He said this decrease in teachers would be handled through attrition. <br /> 21 Commissioner Dorosin asked if there was a known reason for the decline in enrollment. <br /> 22 Del Burns said a new Charter School opened last year, which took away about 125 <br /> 23 students. He said the enrollment projection given by the State last year was likely over <br /> 24 projected. He said this year DPI is adjusting numbers for next year based on the real numbers <br /> 25 from this year. Del Burns said parents have choices regarding schooling, which will cause <br /> 26 enrollment to continue to be a challenge. He said the goal is to provide the best schools <br /> 27 possible in OCS, so that parents will want to send their children. <br /> 28 Commissioner Burroughs asked if growth is expected, just not at the rate projected by <br /> 29 the State. She said the reality is that the District is not losing students, but rather it is not <br /> 30 growing as quickly as the State expected. <br /> 31 Del Burns said yes and no. He said growth exists in school aged students in Orange <br /> 32 County. He said the question is whether these children are attending public schools. He said <br /> 33 last year not as many children came to public schools. He said both DPI and school systems <br /> 34 are finding it very difficult to accurately project numbers due to the variety of educational options <br /> 35 available to parents. Del Burns said there is a current campaign for Virtual Charter Schools in <br /> 36 North Carolina. He said such schools would not only have an impact on the number of students <br /> 37 enrolled in public schools; but would also have an economic impact. He said schools systems <br /> 38 will have to pay a portion of the County appropriation to that Charter School for any Home <br /> 39 Schooled child that enrolls. He said the payment of this portion of the appropriation would be a <br /> 40 straight net loss. He said the challenge is to make OCS the first choice for families. <br /> 41 Commissioner Rich asked if it is known from which grades the projected 172 fewer <br /> 42 students come. <br /> 43 Del Burns said he does not have that information. He said this year the majority of the <br /> 44 125 students that were lost to the new Charter school were elementary aged children. He said <br /> 45 it is his experience that if children leave the traditional public schools, it is during Elementary <br /> 46 School, and as they age children tend to migrate back into the Public Schools by High School. <br /> 47 Commissioner Rich asked if the school systems are required to include Charter Students <br /> 48 into sports events. <br /> 49 Del Burns said no. He said to participate in OCS extra-curricular activities one must be <br /> 50 enrolled in OCS. He added this standard is also true for home schooled and virtual students. <br />