Orange County NC Website
1 <br /> I Attachment 2 <br /> 2 <br /> 3 DRAFT MINUTES <br /> 4 ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS <br /> 5 CHAPEL HILL-CARRBORO BOARD OF EDUCATION <br /> 6 ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION <br /> 7 JOINT MEETING <br /> 8 April 28, 2015 <br /> 9 <br /> 10 The Orange County Board of Commissioners met for a joint session with the Chapel <br /> 11 Hill—Carrboro Board of Education and the Orange County Board of Education on Tuesday, April <br /> 12 28, 2015 at 7:00 p.m. at the Southern Human Services Center in Chapel Hill, N.C. <br /> 13 <br /> 14 COUNTY COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Chair Earl McKee and Commissioners Mia <br /> 15 Burroughs, Mark Dorosin, Barry Jacobs, Bernadette Pelissier, Renee Price and Penny Rich <br /> 16 COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: <br /> 17 COUNTY ATTORNEYS PRESENT: <br /> 18 COUNTY STAFF PRESENT: County Manager Bonnie Hammersley and Clerk to the Board <br /> 19 Donna S. Baker (All other staff members will be identified appropriately below) <br /> 20 ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION MEMBERS PRESENT: Chair Steve Halkiotis, <br /> 21 and Board Members Tom Carr, Lawrence Sanders, Tony McKnight, Debra Piscitelli, and Interim <br /> 22 Superintendent Del Burns was also present. <br /> 23 ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION MEMBERS ABSENT: Brenda Stephens and <br /> 24 Donna Coffey <br /> 25 CHAPEL HILL-CARRBORO CITY SCHOOL BOARD OF EDUCATION MEMBERS <br /> 26 PRESENT: Chair Mike Kelly and Board Members Andrew Davidson, Jamezetta Bedford, <br /> 27 James Barrett, Michelle Brownstein, David Saussy, Annetta Streater, and Superintendent Tom <br /> 28 Forcella was also present. <br /> 29 CHAPEL HILL-CARRBORO CITY SCHOOL BOARD OF EDUCATION MEMBERS ABSENT: <br /> 30 <br /> 31 Chair McKee called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m. <br /> 32 <br /> 33 Opening Comments <br /> 34 Chair Halkiotis expressed gratitude for the opportunity to meet with the Board of County <br /> 35 Commissioners (BOCC). He said yesterday Dr. Todd Wirt was sworn in as the new <br /> 36 Superintendent for Orange County Schools (OCS). He said Dr. Wirt will start his new role on <br /> 37 July 1, 2015. He said tonight will be the last meeting for Interim Superintendent Del Burns. He <br /> 38 commended the efforts and work of Interim Superintendent Del Burns and wished him well as <br /> 39 he transitions out of his role. Chair Halkiotis said times are uncertain, not knowing what the <br /> 40 legislature will do. He added the children in Orange County Schools deserve the best the <br /> 41 School Boards can do for them, regardless of the district in which they reside. <br /> 42 Chair Kelly also expressed gratitude for the opportunity to meet with the BOCC. He <br /> 43 agreed the times are always uncertain, but Orange County controls its own destiny, and for that <br /> 44 he is grateful. He commended the BOCC's ongoing support of education within Orange County, <br /> 45 especially last year when State support was lagging. <br /> 46 Chair McKee noted several handouts at each place, to be identified throughout the <br /> 47 evening. <br /> 48 <br /> 49 1. Presentation of Orange County Schools Board of Education, Approved FY2015-16 <br /> 50 Operating and Capital Budgets <br />