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13 <br /> 1 the railroad, which has caused delay. She said the project is still on-going and may not be <br /> 2 completed before end of year. <br /> 3 Kathleen Ferguson asked for an update regarding Fairview Park. She said the <br /> 4 neighbors have submitted a request for a monitor position this summer, but the needs at the <br /> 5 Park are present during more than just the summer months. She asked how the park would be <br /> 6 monitored beyond the summer months. <br /> 7 David Stancil said the Fairview Community Watch has submitted a request for funding <br /> 8 for a summer monitor program, which has been in place for the past few years. He said this <br /> 9 outside agency request will be coming to the Board later this spring as part of the budget. He <br /> 10 said security cameras will soon be installed at the site. He said this park is served by a mobile <br /> 11 crew and does not have a full time staff person assigned to it. He said the summer monitoring <br /> 12 service has been funded in the past by a grant. He added this grant has now expired, and <br /> 13 therefore the Community Watch has submitted their request for funding to the Board. <br /> 14 Kathleen Ferguson said there is need for the calendar year not the fiscal year. She <br /> 15 asked if the County is considering a full time monitor at this park. She said the park impacts <br /> 16 the viability of the surrounding economic development corridor. <br /> 17 David Stancil said for now the proposal is only for summer monitors. He said there is <br /> 18 not a proposal for full time staff at the park. He said during weekdays there is little activity, but <br /> 19 this changes dramatically closer to sunset and on the weekends. He said any change in <br /> 20 coverage would be a matter of resource allocation, and would be discussed as part of future <br /> 21 budgets. <br /> 22 Chair McKee asked Bonnie Hammersley to look into this issue and to see what options <br /> 23 are available. <br /> 24 Commissioner Dorosin expressed appreciation to all of his Hillsborough colleagues for <br /> 25 their courageous stand on the marital equality resolution and especially to Jenn Weaver. <br /> 26 <br /> 27 A motion was made by Commissioner Burroughs, seconded by Commissioner Pelissier <br /> 28 to adjourn the meeting at 8:48 p.m. <br /> 29 <br /> 30 <br /> 31 VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> 32 <br /> 33 Earl McKee, Chair <br /> 34 <br /> 35 Donna Baker, Clerk to the Board <br /> 36 <br />