Orange County NC Website
11 <br /> 1 the vicinity as development continues. Durham Technical Community College —The <br /> 2 town is not aware of any activity related to the Community College. <br /> 3 <br /> 4 Historic Mills —The town designated both the Bellevue and Eno Cotton Mills (aka <br /> 5 Hillsborough Business Center) as local historic landmarks at the end of 2014 to allow <br /> 6 the owners the local landmark tax reduction. There is an active contract to purchase the <br /> 7 Bellevue Mill and implement its conversion to apartments with the state mill tax credit <br /> 8 still available to this site. The Eno Cotton Mill continues its efforts to renovate its spaces <br /> 9 and make them available for a wider variety of uses. <br /> 10 <br /> 11 Former Colonial Inn —The town has contracted with the Development Finance <br /> 12 Initiative (DFI) through the UNC School of Government for technical assistance and <br /> 13 advice regarding tools available to incentivize or encourage the renovation of this <br /> 14 property. The report is expected back in mid-March. <br /> 15 <br /> 16 Highway 70 Corridor Update and Opportunities- The town submitted a grant request, <br /> 17 supported by the County Economic Development staff, to seek technical assistance <br /> 18 from an economic development consulting firm to help the town better understand its <br /> 19 options to participate in and incentivize the redevelopment of the Cornelius Street <br /> 20 corridor. As the town does not have specialized economic development staff, the hope <br /> 21 was to develop an understanding of key data or programs that can be collected, <br /> 22 monitored or implemented to assist with limited oversight. A number of key properties in <br /> 23 the corridor are available for sale. Unfortunately the town was not selected to receive the <br /> 24 grant. <br /> 25 <br /> 26 Commissioner Dorosin asked for clarification about the update regarding the Colonial <br /> 27 Inn. <br /> 28 Margaret Hauth reiterated that the report from the DFI had yet to be received. She said <br /> 29 the report will be received at the May meeting. <br /> 30 Commissioner Dorosin asked if the report is expected to have a set of alternatives for <br /> 31 the Town to consider. <br /> 32 Margaret Hauth said yes. <br /> 33 Mayor Stevens said the report will be a financial package. He said the owner has been <br /> 34 cooperative in allowing access to the building, which has been helpful. <br /> 35 Eric Hallman said the results will probably show that the ultimate value of the Inn will be <br /> 36 less than the cost to renovate. He said funding would likely be part public and part private. He <br /> 37 said the Town Board is interested in seeing if getting involved makes economic sense for the <br /> 38 Town. <br /> 39 Commissioner Dorosin asked if the expected scenario is such due to the poor condition <br /> 40 and deterioration of the structure. <br /> 41 Eric Hallman said UNC has had the building accessed and what the renovations costs <br /> 42 will be. He said possible usage options and potential rents were considered. He said it was a <br /> 43 very thorough analysis. He said there is a window to do something as there is a parallel <br /> 44 process occurring where an interested party has made contact with mortgage holder. <br /> 45 <br /> 46 !21 County Development Updates <br /> 47 Detention Facility <br /> 48 Jeff Thompson said the Detention Facility is replacing a 90 year old jail located in the <br /> 49 center of town. He said the proposed location for the new facility is near the Orange <br /> 50 Correctional Facility across from McDonalds on 6.8 acres of State land that has been leased for <br />