Orange County NC Website
10 <br /> 1 State. He said Hillsborough currently has three miles of trail. He said the Eno River <br /> 2 Association and the Friends of the Mountain to Sea Trail are working hard to connect the trail <br /> 3 so that it is complete. He encouraged all to support the "bridging the gap" in this trail. He <br /> 4 added it is important to Hillsborough because it will be one of the few trail towns offering <br /> 5 potential revenue. He said Durham did a before and after study of the completion of the <br /> 6 American Tobacco Trail Bridge over 1-40. He passed out a handout reviewing this study which <br /> 7 showed the results of finishing the trail and the staggering economic impact of doing so. <br /> 8 Kathleen Ferguson asked if there is an impediment to Orange County completing this <br /> 9 gap in the trail. <br /> 10 David Stancil said the trail completion is in the master plan and the Capital Investment <br /> 11 Plan (CIP). He said the biggest issue is that once the trail corridor leaves Hillsborough going <br /> 12 southwest, there is a stretch that connects into the Seven Mile Creek Preserves Lands. He <br /> 13 said the trail then enters into its most complex stretch in the State going to Cane Creek and the <br /> 14 Haw River. He said this is one of the very few places that the trail goes completely cross <br /> 15 country on private land. He said there will be at least 100 to 120 trail easements to negotiate <br /> 16 with property owners. <br /> 17 Kathleen Ferguson said she appreciated hearing the background and bigger picture of <br /> 18 the issue. <br /> 19 Commissioner Jacobs said there is a series of public hearings regarding the Mountain to <br /> 20 Seas Trail coming up; with one being in Burlington, NC. <br /> 21 David Stancil confirmed this meeting and said it will occur on May 6, 2015 from 3:00- <br /> 22 5:00 p.m. He said the State is working on a Mountain to Seas Trail Master Plan. He said the <br /> 23 draft is due out around May 1, 2015. <br /> 24 David Stancil said awaiting the completion of the State's master plan has delayed <br /> 25 Orange County's progress. He said there is currently a "swath" on the master plan, showing a <br /> 26 corridor that goes from Hillsborough down to the Cane Creek Reservoir and Haw River. He <br /> 27 said the challenge is to determine where the line goes within the "swath"; using roads or going <br /> 28 cross country. He said a lot of those decisions will be made using the State's master plan. <br /> 29 Commissioner Jacobs asked if that will include southwest Orange County. <br /> 30 David Stancil said yes. <br /> 31 Commissioner Pelissier said her property is on that red "swath". She said many of her <br /> 32 neighbors are in opposition to the trail while she is very supportive of it. <br /> 33 Mayor Stevens said this trail is very important to Hillsborough and the Town is very <br /> 34 supportive of it. He encourages the County to be persistent in their pursuit of bridging this gap <br /> 35 in the trail. <br /> 36 <br /> 37 3. Planning/Development <br /> 38 a) Hillsborough Vision 2030 Plan <br /> 39 Margaret Hauth reviewed the updates below: <br /> 40 <br /> 41 Efforts have continued on work begun in 2013, and the town has adopted Vision <br /> 42 2030 to replace the Vision 2010 policy document. The plan is available at <br /> 43 df The Town <br /> 44 received comments from Orange County Planning staff and considered them during <br /> 45 development. The plan was adopted on March 9, 2015. <br /> 46 <br /> 47 b) Town Development Updates <br /> 48 <br /> 49 UNC Hospital —The hospital is proceeding with the plan to be open in July. <br /> 50 Construction has begun on the water tank needed to have sufficient pressure in <br />