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7 <br /> recorded with a subdivision, breaking down the development <br /> opportunities and constraints for property as well as the process <br /> employed to educate local property owners on local land use <br /> regulations during the development review/permit process. <br /> These documents, however, were not typically required until the early <br /> to mid 2000's and do not exist for older subdivisions. Also, property <br /> owners need to be made aware of these documents by their <br /> realtors/attorneys, and read them, prior to purchasing property. <br /> Staff cannot correct for these issues. <br /> e. A board member indicted they were concerned about what would happen <br /> in the event a property owner failed to properly maintain the stormwater <br /> feature. After lengthy discussion there was consensus the proposed <br /> amendment ought to be modified to include a requirement that a bond be <br /> posted to cover the costs of removing the inoperable feature and excess <br /> impervious surface area in the event it was not properly maintained. <br /> STAFF COMMENT: Suggested language has been added to the <br /> proposed amendment in Attachment 3. Staff does not object to the <br /> proposed modification. <br /> The Board voted 11 to 1 to recommend approval of the Statement of Consistency <br /> (Attachment 4) and modified text amendment package (Attachment 3). <br /> The Board member (Wegman) voting against approval of the statement of <br /> consistency indicated they did not believe the proposal was in accordance with <br /> County policies and goals concerning the promotion of water quality and the <br /> protection of local sources of drinking water. The Board member (Wegman) <br /> voting against the text amendment package indicated support of requiring the <br /> posting of a bond but did not believe the amendment, as a whole, was in the <br /> County's best interests. <br /> [This information is provided here because minutes from the Planning Board <br /> meeting, which contain this information, are not yet available]. <br /> b. Advisory Boards: <br /> Commission for the Environment <br /> (CFE). The CFE reviewed this item at <br /> its April 13, 2015 regular meeting. <br /> Comments from this meeting were <br /> contained within the public hearing <br /> materials. <br /> c. Local Government Review: <br /> Staff transmitted the proposed Staff transmitted the proposed <br /> amendment to the Towns of Chapel amendment to OWASA staff and <br /> Hill, Carrboro, and Hillsborough for presented the item to its Board on <br /> 5 <br />