Orange County NC Website
4 <br /> There has been an increase in inquires and interest from local residents and property <br /> owners with respect to increasing allowable impervious surface area on parcels of <br /> property including: <br /> • Increasing allowable impervious surface percentages in Watershed Protection <br /> Overlay Districts in accordance with State standards <br /> • Allow additional impervious surface area on property based on the installation <br /> of a stormwater feature, and <br /> • Exempt gravel from being considered an `impervious surface area'. <br /> 2. Analysis <br /> As required under Section 2.8.5 of the UDO, the Planning Director is required to: <br /> `cause an analysis to be made of the application and, based upon that analysis, <br /> prepare a recommendation for consideration by the Planning Board and the Board of <br /> County Commissioners'. <br /> The amendments are necessary to address current concerns our impervious surface <br /> limits are too restrictive and unnecessary limit development of property and to provide a <br /> mechanism for modifying said limits consistent with current State policies. <br /> Staff generated an information item on this topic, which was provided to the BOCC at <br /> its March 3, 2015 regular meeting, which can be viewed by utilizing the following <br /> link: http://www.oranecountync. ov/document center/ OCCAenda inutes/ arch <br /> 3 2015.�df. <br /> As detailed within this information item, in certain circumstances the State allows the <br /> installation of a stormwater feature, commonly referred to as a Best Management <br /> Practice (BMP), providing an opportunity for the installation of additional impervious <br /> surface area. <br /> At this time the State only recognizes the use/installation of permeable pavement as <br /> a means of receiving additional impervious surface area on a parcel. The State is in <br /> the process, however, of revising their policies with respect to the types of features <br /> where additional impervious surface could be permitted based on the installation of a\ <br /> BMP designed to capture and allow for the infiltration of stormwater. The result could <br /> be the expansion of the types of features allowing for an additional allotment of <br /> impervious surface area. <br /> The proposed amendment(s) seeks to incorporate the use of infiltration <br /> based/designed BMPs as a means of modifying allowable impervious surface area <br /> within the County. This is consistent with current, and anticipated, State allowances. <br /> The review of these requests will have to be done on a case-by-case basis with the <br /> property owner assuming the responsibility for completing the necessary engineering <br /> studies justifying the modification as well as the responsibility for the maintenance <br /> inspection, and upkeep of said BMP in perpetuity. <br /> 3. Comprehensive Plan Linkage (i.e. Principles, Goals and Objectives) <br /> Land Use Goal 4: Land development regulations, guidelines, techniques, and/or <br /> incentives that promote the integrated achievement of all Comprehensive Plan goals. <br /> 2 <br />