Orange County NC Website
Fairview Park Opportunities and Constraints <br /> a� <br /> N. Cultural and Archaeological Survey <br /> Environmental Services, Inc. completed a cultural and archaeological survey of the <br /> property in March 2005. The goal was to identify and assess the significance of any <br /> cultural resources located in the areas currently being considered either for park <br /> expansion or for the Town's proposed new public works facility: Areas 1-3 on Figure 5. <br /> The survey identified one previously unrecorded archaeological site (prehistoric), but it <br /> was not considered to contain significant information about the prehistory or history of <br /> the region, nor is it eligible for the National Register of Historic Places. <br /> The consultant recommended that development of Areas 1 and 2 be allowed to proceed <br /> without concern for impacts to significant cultural resources. They noted, however, <br /> that the Town owned portions of Area 3 which were investigated at a reconnaissance_ <br /> level have the potential to contain intact cultural resources and recommended an <br /> intensive surface and subsurface survey prior to around-disturbing activities. <br /> According to the preliminary concept plan approved jointly by the Town and County, <br /> Area 3 is currently proposed for low-impact recreation and open space, which should <br /> not involve any significant ground-disturbing activities. If that changes, and more <br /> active, land-disturbing uses are considered for this area, then the Town (and County) <br /> should consider this recommendation to conduct further surveys. <br /> A topographic survey with identification of trees 18-inch caliper and greater was also <br /> conducted, and the results of this survey have been incorporated into the findings below. <br /> V. Property Description <br /> The following is a more detailed description of the Fairview Park property. The 67-acre <br /> site is a combination of woodland and open/developed area, which includes existing <br /> park facilities, a former landfill, and wood debris storage areas. The property is <br /> described in two tracts: the County-owned portion (County Tract) and the Town-owned <br /> portion (Town Tract). Topography and soils are identified on Figures 6 and 7. <br /> A. County Tract (42 acres) <br /> The County portion of the park property contains the existing playground and picnic <br /> facilities, baseball field, Town of Hillsborough police substation, and the vast majority <br /> of Hillsborough's former sanitary landfill, which was closed in the early 1980s. <br /> 11 th <br /> r.` <br /> Page 3 of 9 <br />