Orange County NC Website
ADOPTE <br /> 0 <br /> A. CHARGE to the Master Plan Committee: <br /> Develop a Master Plan for the Site, within the framework of any operating guidelines or <br /> other instructions as offered by the elected Boards,to include the following: <br /> 1. A map of the Site with the design for the Fairview Park, including proposed <br /> buildings, playing fields, roads, parking, trails, other facilities, amenities, <br /> infrastructure locations, vegetative cover, hydrology and other components that <br /> are commonly included in a park or public facility concept plan. The map of the <br /> Site shall include existing and planned buildings of the County Parks Operations <br /> Base and the Town and County Public Works facilities. Planning of the County <br /> Parks Operations Base and the Town and County Public Works facilities is <br /> limited to the location of buildings,roads,parking and other infrastructure. <br /> 2. A written report outlining the proposed uses, the design rationale, description of <br /> work group process, natural and cultural features, means of soliciting community <br /> input, the potential future phases, and construction cost estimates. If needed, the <br /> report should also include a phasing plan, showing how the Fairview Park and <br /> other public facilities could be developed over time in a cost-efficient fashion. <br /> The report should include a recommendation concerning which facilities should <br /> be constructed, utilizing the funds remaining from the $850,000 allocated for the <br /> project after the planning, design, and survey work (estimated to cost $200,000) <br /> have been completed. <br /> 3. The report should address and recognize the limitations imposed by safety <br /> considerations caused by the Fairview park site's previous use for waste-disposal, <br /> as addressed in part by a geo-technical report prepared in 1999 ("Report of <br /> Geotechnical Evaluation, Closed Hillsborough Landfill Site, July 19, 2000"). <br /> Further recommendations may be needed to address phased remediation of <br /> portions of the Fairview park site. <br /> 4. The Master Plan should address co-location of existing and future public facilities <br /> and provide for a synergy and compatibility of uses between park functions and <br /> other public functions wherever possible. The rights of neighbors should be <br /> respected by buffering incompatible uses. <br /> 5. The Committee should review the "old" 1988 Fairview Park Concept Plan as part <br /> of the Master Plan and determine its validity, if any. <br /> 2. EXPECTATIONS OF MASTER PLAN FINAL PRODUCT / MEMBERSHIP OF <br /> MASTER PLAN COMMITTEE <br /> Product: A Master Plan report and map, as described above. <br /> Timeframe for Product: by September, 2005 <br /> 3 <br />