Orange County NC Website
4 <br />Attachment 1 <br />Center for IVlunicipal Solutions Suggested Text Changes <br />(After the Public Hearing) <br />Here are Rusty's suggested changes to the new regulations and only dealt with Section 6.18.3 <br />and 6.18.4. He did not have any problem with the other sections. <br />1. Section 6.18.3 e) -- Substitute "not" for the word "only" in the first line and substitute "to" for <br />"not exceeding" at the beginning of line two. <br />2. Section 6.18.3 e) 1) -- Substitute thirty-three (33) for fifty (50) in two places. This is an FCC <br />standard. <br />3. Section 6.18.4 d) 2) add "showing" after the word "and" in the first line. <br />4. Section 6.18.4 d) 10), second paragraph -- Delete the first sentence and add "Certain of the <br />above listed items may be required to be provided on a propagation study data form to be <br />provided by the County. The last sentence of the paragraph should now read "All towers <br />wireless support structures shall have the capacity to permit multiple users; at a minimum <br />monopole towers wireless support structures shall be structurally designed to accommodate <br />four two ~ (2) users and self-supportllattice or guyed towers wireless support structures <br />shall, at a minimum accommodate three (3) users. (l could find the strike through option for <br />email text so I bolded the deletes.) <br />5. Section 6.18.4.e) 1) Capitalize necessary in the second line. <br />6. Section 6.18.4 e) 4) Insert the word "provider" after the word "safety" in the second <br />sentence. <br />7. 6.18.4 f) 6) Fees and Charges a) -- Add, "Such fees may reflect the County's fully allocated <br />costs, and shall not exceed such costs." <br />8. 6.18.4 f) 6) Fees and Charges c), fourteenth line -- Substitute "wireless facilities and support <br />structures" for the words "such services." <br />