Orange County NC Website
ORD-2015-015 <br /> Proposed VFPP Ordinance Revision Language for Sec. 48-7: <br /> Sec. 48-7. Certification and qualification of farmland, <br /> Requirements. To secure County certification as qualifying farmland (Certified Qualifying Farm), a <br /> farm must be real property that meets the following requirements: <br /> (1) Be located in the unincorporated area of Orange County; <br /> (2) Be <br /> forecfnT established by N.C. Gen. § 105 277.2 through§105 277.7, or 's-etn°�::;se <br /> v�coc� coca vnvi�cv o �� v -sc��. � <br /> determined by the County to Fneet all the qualifiGations ef this pmgram set feFth in § 105 277.3 <br /> engaged in agriculture as that word is defined in NC. Gen Stat. § 106-581.1; <br /> (3) Be certified by the Natural Resources Conservation Service of the United States Department of <br /> Agriculture as being a farm on which at least two-thirds of the land is composed of soils that=are <br /> best suited for providing food, seed, fiber, forage, timber, forestry products horticultural crops <br /> and oil seed crops; <br /> a. Are hest suited fer providing feed, seed, fiber, forage, timber, farestFy preduGts, <br /> b. Have good s9il qualities; <br /> c. , <br /> d. <br /> e. ReGeiVe the available moisture needed to prodUGe high yields for an average ef eight out C) <br /> mss; <br /> OR <br /> N.G.Have been aGtively used in a9FiGUltuFal, h9FtiGLIItuFal 9F forestFy epeFatien6 as defined by <br /> Gen. Stat. 105 277.2(1, 2, 3) during ea^h of the five previous yeaFs, measured from <br /> the rate on ..�hiGh tie, determination must he marls as to whether the land 'n questien <br /> qualifies; . <br /> (4) Be managed, Of highly redible land exists o„--the-farm in accordance with the Natural <br /> Resources Conservation Service and N.C. Soil and Water Conservation Service defined <br /> erosion-control practices that are vddFecced to said highly_ero,�;h9Q erodible land ( and have a current <br /> conservation farm plan and/or forestry management plan associated with the current usages <br /> and owner); and <br /> (5) Be the subject of a conservation agreement, as defined in N.C. Gen. Stat. § 121-35, between <br /> the County and the owner of such land that prohibits non-farm use or development of such land <br /> for a period of at least ten years, except for the creation of not more than three lots that meet <br /> applicable County zoning and subdivision regulations. <br />