Orange County NC Website
M <br />ORD- 2015 -015 <br />Requirements. To secure County certification as qualifying farmland (Certified Qualifying Farm), a <br />farm must be real property that meets the following requirements: <br />(1) Be located in the unincorporated area of Orange County; <br />(2) Be ,,..++,- pal4iGipatiRg <br />f49F@s[r astabl:svh9d by ICI Q GAP Stat. § 105_277.2 +-rc thm6igh' § 105277. 7, AP r thapwi $ <br /> by tho GG Rt y to moot all Oho q ialifinatinnc of this PFE)gram cot forth in § 105- <br />:277 3 engaged in agriculture as that word is defined in NC. Gen Stat. § 106 - 581.1; <br />(3) Be certified by the Natural Resources Conservation Service of the United States Department of <br />Agriculture as being a farm on which at least two - thirds of the land is composed of soils that-. are <br />best suited for providing food, seed, fiber, forage, timber, forestry products, horticultural crops <br />and oil seed crops; <br />e. <br />tt <br />(4) Be managed, if highly ornrlihle land- I I „n the farm in accordance with the Natural <br />Resources Conservation Service and N.C. Soil and Water Conservation Service defined <br />erosion - control practices that are ad-d-FI I t„ Said highly GFO Jihlo land and have a current <br />conservation farm plan and /or forestry management plan associated with the current usages <br />and owner}; and <br />(5) Be the subject of a conservation agreement, as defined in N.C. Gen. Stat. § 121 -35, between <br />the County and the owner of such land that prohibits non -farm use or development of such land <br />for a period of at least ten years, except for the creation of not more than three lots that meet <br />applicable County zoning and subdivision regulations. <br />(Oii'd f: 03 24 1992, AiI e l`. 04 01 ...1992; Amend of:04 .1 .7...2000, e l`. 04 1 7...2000; Amend of: 06 ... <br />